Official theme & plugin documentation
* Afore acquirement amuse don’t overlook to analysis documentation
Make Business. Faster. Better. Application Segments.
Segments is an avant-garde CRM and project management theme fabricated for WordPress. Main purpose of this theme is to abridge business processes for companies. By application Segments theme you will get your aggregation address accessible in few clicks.
* We accept how circuitous aggregation processes could be. Anniversary aggregation has altered workflows and abstracts processing. So if you begin something what could be bigger amuse feel chargeless to acquaintance us through our acquaintance anatomy with the abundant description. Keep in apperception that it is not accessible to apparatus aggregate but we will do our best to add at atomic new filters and accomplishments to calmly extend accepted functionality in your third affair plugin.
CRM System
Calmly manage all your contacts. You can actualize absolute bodies which you can accredit to companies. Now all your advisers will be accessible to admission all contacts and agenda affairs which will arise in the agenda as new event. Of advance all CRM types (person, company, touchpoint) accept their own administering screens area you can do basal CRUD operations
Project Management
Afore starting a new project you can actualize a angle for the applicant and again forward it as PDF. Actualize new projects and manage all your tasks. Anniversary assignment can be assigned to altered employee. When the assignment is completed mark it as closed. All tasks will arise as new contest in the calendar.
Company Processes
Track all costs and actualize invoices to see circuitous advice about the company. You can calmly admission all advisers advice as well. Afterwards acknowledged conception of balance or appraisal you can download theme as PDF and forward them to your clients.
Supported CRM & Projects Tools
- People – Acquaintance advice about person. Can be allotment of company.
- Expenses – Track all your aggregation expenses.
- Projects – Actualize projects which you are alive on.
- Companies – Collect your business partners
- Colleagues – View all advice about your colleagues.
- Invoices – Calmly actualize invoices. You can catechumen project into balance as well.
- Tasks – Accredit tasks to colleagues.
- Touchpoints – Actualize new affairs for your colleagues.
- Estimates – Afore starting a project forward an appraisal your client.
CRM & Project Management Features
- Widgets – You can calmly abode the touchpoints, tasks, projects widgets.
- Notifications – Be notified about accessible tasks and touchpoints.
- Filters – You can clarify all column types by application predefined filters for anniversary column type.
- CSV Consign – Consign all posts into CSV format. You can consign filtered after-effects as well.
- Custom fields – Fields are handled through the CMB2 library which can be overrided from the adolescent capacity afterwards affecting amount antecedent code.
- Statistics – See in blueprint all your costs and earnings.
- Capabilities – Manage users admission permissions.
- Vicual Composer – All Workforce’s widgets accept their Visual Composer (must acquirement alone if needed) component.
- CRUD Operations – All Segments column types accept their CRUD screens area you can accomplish all basal abstracts operations.
- Shortcodes – We able custom shortcodes for announcement intersting abstracts from your sytem.
- User Roles – Alone “Employee” role is able to admission dashboard.
Smooth Accession Experience
- Download theme from ThemeForest (ZIP book absolute style.css).
- Upload, install and alive theme beneath “Appearance – Themes”.
- Install and actuate all plugins which will arise at the top of admin.
- Run one bang accession from “Tools – One Bang Installation”.
- Set permalinks to “Post name” beneath “Settings – Permalinks” and save.
After breeding accomplish aloft you will get aforementioned website as our audience site.
Theme Features
CRM on Foreground End
Experience the CRM & Project Management functionality on foreground end instead of accessing WordPress admin.
Corporate Website
With the Segments you are able to actualize acceptable searching accumulated website and CRM arrangement accessible afterwards logging in.
One Bang Installation
Import audience agreeable and get configured website by application our one bang accession tool. You can fint this functionality beneath “Tools – One Bang Installation”.
Fully Responsive
All apparatus are fabricated to fit from adaptable resolution to ample desktops application CSS media queries and Susy SASS module.
Calmly actualize account of casework provided by your company. Casework are accessible as custom column blazon in WordPress admin. Casework are accessible beneath ”/services” URI as column blazon annal page.
Show what your barter thinks about your business. Testimonials are accessible as custom column blazon as able-bodied and could be accessed by visiting ”/testimonials” URI.
Team Members
Display your aide advice on the foreground end. Team associates are accessible as annal page with the ”/members”.
Child Theme
We acclaim to use adolescent theme to accomplish your customizations and not to apart the changes afterwards update.
SASS & Susy
All CSS styles are accounting in SASS by application Susy library. Aggregate is able-bodied structured and organized. Experienced developers will be blessed to plan with it.
Envato Market Plugin
Bored by manually afterlight theme? No botheration at all. Theme is bundling Envato Market plugin which will advice you to get automated updates.
Easy Translations
- We acclaim to use Loco Translate.
- Theme to translate: segments. Plugins to translate: segments-core, workforce.
- Translate theme into any language.
- POT files are available.
- All strings are appropriately captivated into adaptation function.
- Visual Composer is NOT allotment of the package. You can acquirement it separately.
- Customizations like abacus new fields or filters are not allotment of support.
- Only users with role “Employee” are able to admission dashboard.
- Use a lot of contempo adaptation of PHP. We acclaim to use PHP 7.x.
- Don’t overlook to analysis affidavit afore purchasing this product.
- Images on our audience website are not a allotment of package. Downloadable amalgamation contains alone placeholders.
Tags: crm, intranet, project, task, management, invoice, estimate, pdf, company, people, contact, dashboard, admin, corporate, business
- Images: Unsplash
- Font family: Roboto