Version: 4.11.0, Absolutely Accordant with WordPress 5.1 and Woo 3.5.x! | Changelog
Porto WordPress is an ultimate business & woocommerce wordpress theme that is acceptable for any business and woocommerce sites. Porto provides affluence elements and able appearance that can configure all you want. Compared to added multi-purpose themes’ accepted ecommerce features, Porto provides ultimate woocommerce appearance with absolute banknote & layouts and features. Porto guarantees cool fast achievement which is capital for your business & woocommerce shops. Please analysis beneath to see added appearance from Porto. Enjoy Porto Business & Woocommerce Theme!
Porto Multi Purpose & Woocommerce Theme Capital Features
- Custom Chantry Control
- 3 altered acquaintance page layouts
- Compatible with Major multi-vendor plugins like Dokan, WC Vendors and Yith WooCommerce Multi-Vendor plugins
- Typography page
- One Page template
- RTL Ready
- Compatible with WordPress SEO plugin
- Google web fonts
- Visual Artisan is awful optimized
- Documentation ? footfall by step
- And abundant abundant more?
- Compatible with Anarchy Slider plugin
- Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Badge Management plugin
- Compatible with Better WordPress Minify plugin
- Compatible with Nav Card Roles plugin
- Twitter Feed Widget
- Compatible with Mailpoet newsletter plugin
- 30 + altered homepage layouts: Added amazing concepts are advancing soon!
- 20+ altered headers
- Compatible with WPML plugin
- Contact and newsletter forms
- FAST Abutment & Updates
- WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved
- Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin
- Social Administration Features
- Compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual plugin
- Lightbox
- Unlimited Colors & Layouts
- Elegant animations
- Multiple Page Styles
- Wide / Abounding / Boxed Layout
- Shop pages
- Visual Artisan ($34 value)
- Additional pages: About, Services, Team, Process, Careers, FAQ, 404 page, Sitemap, Acquaintance us, etc.
- 4 altered portfolio types (total 19 pages)
- Bunch of Useful Demos – Construction, Hotel, Restaurant, Law Firm, Digital Agency, Medical, Real-Estate, APP Landing, Resume etc
- WPML Support
- Valid HTML5 code
- Plenty of Widgets
- Share icons on activity and artefact pages
- Grid / Account view
- Install Audience agreeable with One-Click
- Child Theme Ready
- 5 altered breadcrumbs
- Ajax clarification in boutique and artefact annal pages
- 4different blog types (total 6 pages)
- Wishlist, Ajax Search, Clarification & Sorting
- Switch on/off adhesive attack option
- Compatible with qTranslate X plugin
- Woocommerce Catalog Mode
- 6 added layouts of the slider area: Argument and Form, Static image, Alone Video;
- Powerful Acceleration Enhancement Tool
- Mega card and 3-level drop-down menu;
- Revolution Slider ($19 value) plugin
- Multipurpose design
- Compatible with WP Cache plugins such as WP Cool Cache, W3 Absolute Cache plugins
- Compatible with GeoDirectory plugin
- Compatible with WooCommerce Bill Switcher plugin
- Cross-browser affinity (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge)
- Responsive Design
- Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Seek plugin
- Powerful Page options
- SEO Optimized (Rich snippets for breadcrumbs and reviews are built-in)
- Compatible with Cavalcade Angle Adverse plugin
- 33+ custom elements for Beheld Artisan (banners, carousels, tabs, toggles, accordions, buttons, quotes, table, active boxes, tables, lists, forms, icons, glyphicons, advance bar, appraisement tables, dropcaps, aggregation members, alarm to activity boxes, columns, etc)
- WooCommerce Compatible
- Compatible with Polylang plugin
- Compatible with BBPress, BuddyPress plugins
- Compatible with Woocommerce Artefact Clarify plugin
Version 4.11.0 (Mar.28.2019)
+ Added: 5 blog demos+ Added: \"AutoFit\" advantage to the porto_sticky shortcode which is to add acute sticky+ Added: Bury Seek Popup appearance beneath Theme Options -> Attack -> Seek Form+ Added: Accumbent Columns vertical card appearance beneath Theme Options -> Card -> Aftereffect Card Type- Updated: porto_blog shortcode by abacus added blog blueprint and cavalcade styles- Updated: blog posts shortcode page in elements audience by abacus added layouts- Fixed: card dropdown affair on ipad / iphone
Version 4.10.0 (Mar.21.2019)
+ Updated: chantry alarming 5 optimized adaptation by abacus fa-caret-down icon+ Added: artefact layouts in boutique pages into the elements demo+ Added: artefact chic layouts sample page in elements demo+ Added: theme options to change colors of add to barrow button, wishlist and quick appearance beneath Theme Options -> Derma -> Shop+ Added: theme options to show/hide artefact price, categories, reviews and abbreviate description beneath Theme Options -> Woocommerce -> Artefact Archives- Updated: website added larboard and appropriate to the cavalcade agreement amplitude as set in theme options for avant-garde layouts- Updated: artefact layouts in boutique pages- Updated: porto_products and porto_product_categories elements by abacus added angle such as artistic view, artefact layouts, angel admeasurement and slider options.- Updated: boutique 16 attack application attack builder- Updated: boutique 17 attack application attack builder- Updated: bureau one page audience attack application attack builder- Updated: porto_onepage_product_category shortcode by abacus slider aeronautics options- Updated: boutique 3 audience design- Updated: boutique 10 homepage design- Updated: boutique 19 homepage banderole slider- Updated: accredit shortcodes in artefact abbreviate description section- Fixed: Porto Artefact Categories Aspect Advantage \"Descending\" not working- Fixed: Quick Appearance on Boutique Page not alive with Ajax but takes you to the alone artefact page- Fixed: Theme Options -> Woocommerce -> Artefact Archives -> Chic Blazon 2 was not working- Fixed: Custom Tab Agreeable beneath Alone Artefact was not alive with <iframe>- Fixed: WooCommerce Bill Switcher (Woocs) was not alive with absence Bill Switcher Position- Removed: quick appearance blush options in Theme Options -> Derma -> Shop- Fixed: Added to barrow popup position affair afterwards abacus artefact to cart- Fixed: Porto Accordion Area ID was not working- Fixed: Video Cipher area affair in cavalcade settings meta box- Fixed: html tags was printed absolutely in login popup absurdity message- Fixed: artefact arcade appearance affair in Abounding Amplitude alone artefact layout- Fixed: Custom Tab HTML area was not alive in alone artefact settings meta box
Version 4.9.7 (Mar.5.2019)
+ Updated: chantry alarming 5 optimized adaptation by abacus fa-caret-down icon- Fixed: artefact chic meta box issue- Fixed: Blog Banderole options affair beneath Theme Options -> Cavalcade -> Blog- Fixed: Custom tab agreeable in alone artefact admin page was not saving
Version 4.9.6 (Mar.1.2019)
- Updated: Porto functionality plugin by affective meta box accompanying files from Porto theme- Updated: Capitalized all constants authentic application \'define\' - Updated: styles for some Gutenberg amount blocks- Updated: removed prefixes for third affair Javascript libraries if registering them- Fixed: angel another affair on Swatches tab of artefact admin page- Fixed: Filigree appearance affair on Accident annal pages- Fixed: Cavalcade Meta Date affair on blog pages which has \'Medium Alt\' style- Fixed: Accident Hotlink was not alive on alone accident page
Version 4.9.5 (Feb.26.2019)
- Updated: google page acceleration on adaptable browsers- Updated: FontAwesome to 5.7- Updated: affectation absurdity bulletin on abortion of theme update- Updated: button aspect page- Added: exceptional plugin files into capital package- Fixed: artefact angel affair on wishlist page- Fixed: Google affluent snippets affair on alone artefact pages- Fixed: Filigree columns affair on cavalcade categories admin page- Fixed: absolute bend affair of Porto contempo associates aspect on adaptable browsers- Fixed: abundance ascribe acreage affair for out of banal product
Version 4.9.4 (Feb.21.2019)
- Updated: affinity with woocommerce 3.5.5
Version 4.9.3 (Feb.18.2019)
- Updated: WPBakery Page Architect plugin to 5.7- Anchored an affair if publishing attack architect options afterwards alteration attack blazon or preset- Anchored a theme advantage affair that Theme Options -> Affiliate -> Affiliate Archives -> Hover Angel was not working- Anchored an affair that iframe cipher was austere in \"Video & Audio Embed Cipher or Content\" acreage of Cavalcade options meta box in backend- Fixed: Avant-garde appearance advantage of Porto Associates aspect was not alive properly- Fixed: Derma Options -> Attack -> Accomplishments Blush in Page/Post was not working- Fixed: hover aftereffect in Porto Advice box aspect was not working- Fixed: Porto Events elements was not working- Fixed: php warnings in style.php and style-internal.php- Fixed: chic banderole affair of Porto One Page Chic element
Version 4.9.2 (Feb.02.2019)
- Adapted \'porto_ct_master_sliders\' and \'porto_ct_rev_sliders\' functions to acknowledgment abandoned if slider plugins are not installed- Adapted corporate14 home page revslider on baby desktop- Adapted button shortcode page- Anchored a seek affair in Theme Options -> Derma -> Custom CSS and Javascript section- Anchored Google Webfont Loader affair on Theme Options panel- Anchored php warnings on aboriginal theme activation- Anchored a appearance affair on cavalcade avant-garde share
Version 4.9.1 (1.22.2019)
+ Satisfied Envato WordPress Theme requirements+ Added arrow button style- Adapted Woocommerce files to 3.5.4- Anchored abounding amplitude mega card position issue- Anchored seek page appearance affair if application masonry layout- Anchored adhesive aftereffect position affair on the page which has activating sized contents- Anchored porto one page chic articles shortcode affair on multi accent site- Anchored the artefact attributes affair in Porto Artefact Aspect element- Anchored amusing links position affair on alone affiliate page- Anchored an affair that porto logo is announcement in the footer until extenuative theme options- Anchored avant-garde page blueprint issue- Anchored affidavit appearance 6 issue
Version 4.9.0 (1.03.2019)
+ Added new accumulated 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 demos+ Added reside search+ Added a new breadcrumb type+ Added woocommerce active style+ Added a page advantage to change breadcrumb type+ Added a new dots position advantage to appearance carousel dots beside carousel appellation for porto carousel and porto contempo posts shortcode+ Added css3 activity fields for beheld artisan image, porto adorned text, porto advice box and porto avant-garde button shortcodes+ Added zoomIn and maskUp css3 activity for activity blazon fields of shortcodes+ Added new aeronautics types for carousel shortcodes+ Added \"grid images\" for cavalcade media type+ Added larboard & appropriate aftereffect layout+ Added filigree blog cavalcade layout+ Added hotlink and adduce cavalcade format+ Added pagination to porto blog shortcode+ Added new filigree css classes to abutment 5 columns+ Added portfolio filters styles for portfolio annal page and shortcode+ Added angel admeasurement acreage to porto portfolios and porto contempo portfolios shortcodes+ Added orderby and adjustment acreage for porto portfolio and blog shortcodes+ Added avant-garde appearance for porto associates shortcode+ Added porto page attack shortcode to alter absence page attack and add some customizations+ Added a theme advantage to set attack top chantry size+ Added theme options to baddest seek box blazon and mini barrow type+ Added \"Top Bound on hover\" and \"Bottom Bound on hover\" theme advantage ethics for Card -> Capital Card Type+ Added a theme advantage to add attack capital top border+ Added archetypal appearance for porto amount box shortcode+ Added a \"Post Author with photo\" appearance blazon to porto contempo posts shortcode+ Added ancillary attack options beneath Theme options -> Attack -> Ancillary Header+ Added \"Side Card Type\" options beneath Theme options -> Menu+ Added an advantage to add acclivity bound blush for porto ultimate agreeable box shortcode+ Added a separator aspect to attack builder+ Added adhesive add to barrow area in alone artefact page+ Added a acreage to add css3 activity to the portfolio capacity for porto portfolios shortcode+ Added an extract breadth acreage to porto blog shortcode- Adapted Page architect by abacus presets and ancillary attack layouts- Adapted Archetypal demos and Digital Bureau demo- Adapted certificate style- Adapted attack and aeronautics variations according to new html version- Adapted Elements page by afterlight page appearance and abacus missing elements- Adapted attack blazon 10- Adapted testimonial, member, accordion, agenda timeline shortcodes- Adapted owl carousel jquery plugin to 2.3.4- Adapted anarchy slider optimize area in acceleration optimize wizard- Adapted \"Theme Options -> Derma -> Capital Card -> Wrapper Padding\" with \"Skin -> Attack -> Adhesive Attack -> Padding\" - Adapted row aspect by abacus \"No amplitude amid columns?\" acreage to abolish amplitude amid columns in a row- Adapted theme options import/export activity to acceptation and consign attack architect settings together- Anchored the mini barrow and seek box blueprint issues if alteration attack types by ambience accompanying options- Anchored css3 activity aftereffect affair of beheld artisan custom branch and separator shortcodes- Anchored custom argument blush affair of advance bar shortcode- Anchored some elements\' appearance affair in the tabs and toggles- Anchored angel lazyload affair afterwards isotope filtered- Anchored an affair of amount added activity of porto portfolio shortcode if application timeline layout- Anchored bound ambit and added affair of porto avant-garde button shortcode- Anchored rtl css abridge issue- Anchored an affair which circadian auction agenda was not alive for capricious products- Anchored an affair which porto block in the card was not assuming on adaptable menu- Anchored an affair of \"get_{$adjacent}_post_...\" filters in /inc/functions/woocommerce.php- Anchored an affair that \"JS Cipher afore </head>\" theme advantage was not working- Anchored figure appearance affair in Beheld Artisan Foreground end editor if application optimized shortcodes- Anchored authorization activation affair for some barter application Plesk panel(windows server).
Version 4.8.5 (11.29.2018)
- Anchored some elements\' appearance affair in the tabs and toggles- Anchored an affair that mini barrow was not clickable on mobile- Anchored an affair that boutique pages not alive if inserting posts shortcodes in product\'s abbreviate description
Version 4.8.4 (11.28.2018)
+ Added 10+ Gutenberg blocks- Updated: Affinity with WordPress 5.0- Updated: WPBakery Page architect plugin to 5.6- Updated: accent files- Updated: Porto Functionality plugin to 1.2.0- Anchored an appearance affair in alone artefact pages which use abounding amplitude artefact layout- Anchored an affair of angel blush swatch afterwards ajax load- Anchored adhesive attack accomplishments angel issue- Anchored adaptable card affair of attack blazon 19 ( boutique 20 )- Anchored attack acme affair if application adhesive header- Anchored a facebook administration affair on adaptable browsers- Anchored abundance ascribe affair on boutique pages
Version 4.8.3 (11.05.2018)
- Anchored php apprehension in inc/plugins/importer/porto-parsers.php- Anchored accomplishments angel affair for some shortcodes- Anchored errors in W3C CSS Validator- Anchored banderole appearance affair on boxed layout- Anchored an affair which tooltips were not displayed in reside options console
Version 4.8.2 (11.04.2018)
- Anchored capricious artefact aspect affair acquired by woo 3.5.1 release
Version 4.8.1 (11.02.2018)
+ Added availability to about-face into aboriginal theme options panel. You can use both new reside console and aboriginal console as your choice.- Adapted porto functionality plugin to 1.1.4- Anchored php admonishing in style-internal.php
Version 4.8.0 (11.01.2018)
+ Added attack architect beneath Theme Options -> Header+ Added new spinner to all boutique home page sliders by replacing with aboriginal one+ Splitted Theme options into wordpress customizer options with careful brace functions and avant-garde options+ Added theme options to adapt attack top and attack height+ Added a theme advantage to adapt added top and basal of attack capital columns beneath Theme Options -> Derma -> Header+ Added a theme advantage beneath Theme Options -> SEO to add rel=\"nofollow\" to adaptable card items+ Added orderby and adjustment theme advantage beneath Theme Options -> Faqs+ Added a theme advantage to change placeholder of attack seek anatomy beneath Theme Options -> Attack -> Seek Form- Adapted woocommerce files by removing attenuated functions- Adapted woocommerce to the latest adaptation 3.5.1- Adapted activating appearance architect by removing beneath compiler- Adapted boutique 18 home page slider brilliant figure axis and mini barrow icon- Adapted artefact columns theme options to slider type- Adapted porto owl carousel to be displayed able-bodied on page load- Adapted \'porto_meta_layout\' clarify to get page blueprint and aftereffect name calm and removed \'porto_meta_sidebar\' function- Adapted jQuery scrollbar plugin to the latest adaptation 0.2.10- Adapted alone artefact page blueprint on tablet- Adapted attack appearance of archetypal one page demo- Adapted the activity of mini barrow toggle on mobile- Adapted acceleration optimize astrologer by deselecting recommended enhancement plugins by default- Adapted beheld artisan to 5.5.5- Removed Argument Logo- Anchored mini barrow scrollbar affair on IE & Edge- Anchored a anchored attack appearance affair if application Theme options -> Attack -> Attack Appearance -> Anchored option- Anchored porto affection box shortcode blush derma issue- Anchored a appearance affair if application affection box shortcode appearance 1, 3 and 6- Anchored a chantry alarming figure affair in porto figure box shortcodes which \"Font Alarming figure new in 4.7\" chic is empty- Anchored attack blazon 17 seek box issue- Anchored breadcrumbs blazon 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 issues- Anchored a banderole appearance affair in boutique accumbent clarify blazon 1 for boutique 5 and boutique 8 demo- Anchored a absolute scrolling affair on faq pages
Version 4.7.3 (10.27.2018)
- Anchored some issues with woocommerce 3.5
Version 4.7.2 (10.12.2018)
- Adapted woocommerce files to the latest adaptation 3.5- Adapted alone artefact page blueprint on tablet- Anchored php warnings in the afterward php files 1. header/header_19.php 2. inc/functions/general.php 3. inc/functions/layout.php 4. inc/lib/infinite-scroll/infinite-scroll.php- Anchored brilliant appraisement appearance affair on IE browsers- Anchored skin.css abridge absurdity if abrogation abandoned ethics for some colors in theme options- Anchored boutique annal page accumbent appearance affair on window resize- Anchored issues on Google Structured Abstracts testing Tool- Anchored a force anatomy affinity affair afterwards appointment ajax form- Anchored an affair in artefact quick appearance on capricious artefact which has added than 30 variations
Version (9.24.2018)
- Anchored theme options accumulation affair if giving abandoned amount for Theme Options -> Derma -> Footer -> Ribbon Accomplishments Color
Version 4.7.1 (9.13.2018)
- Adapted theme options to add chantry ascendancy area again- Adapted website to avant-garde amplitude on book and adaptable browsers ( <= 991px )- Anchored css abridge absurdity if application abandoned amount for attack top accomplishments blush in theme options
Version 4.7.0 (9.12.2018)
+ Added boutique 20 demo+ Added a accessory card in attack blazon 19 to be amid at the appropriate of capital header+ Added google webfont loader beneath Theme Options -> Derma -> Typography+ Added cavalcade url hotlink for cavalcade image+ Added angel swatch affection for boutique and artefact pages+ Added an advantage to add angel admeasurement for artefact categories shortcode+ Added a porto aspect clarify shortcode to appearance artefact aspect filters in not alone boutique but all pages+ Added a abatement aback chantry for physique and menu+ Added abundance ascribe in boutique pages to add assorted items to the cart+ Added newsletter popup in the homepages of all boutique demos- Adapted redux amount to the latest version- Adapted beheld artisan plugin to the latest version(5.5.4)- Adapted change log admin page- Adapted document- Adapted capital card items of boutique page demos- Adapted abutting figure in popups- Adapted artefact attributes area for capricious artefact to affectation all attributes and accomplish bare attributes to disable- Adapted affinity issues for multi bell-ringer plugins- Adapted artefact columns in annal pages on book ( >= 576px and <=767px )- Adapted website to avant-garde amplitude on book and adaptable browsers ( <= 767px )- Adapted loading spinner- Anchored minicart account blush appearance affair of boutique 6 demo- Anchored shop1 home banderole slider appearance affair on pad- Anchored an affair of porto amount clarify accoutrement if clarification with added attributes- Anchored a artefact clarification affair in the artefact chic pages afterwards abandoned seek after-effects returned- Anchored an affair of tab position in abounding amplitude artefact blueprint if selecting ”Below Amount & Abbreviate Description” for Theme Options->WooCommerce->Single Product->Tabs Position option- Anchored an php admonishing in porto_stat_counter shortcake
Version 4.6.2 (8.20.2018)
+ Added a theme advantage to attenuate login popup beneath Theme Options -> Woocommerce.- Adapted clarification button appearance of artefact accumbent clarify blazon 1- Anchored boutique chic page appearance affair on pad- Anchored adhesive aftereffect affair on ipad- Anchored boutique 16 home page parallax affair on ipad- Anchored angel bound affair on alone artefact pages- Anchored a artefact loading affair afterwards allocation the articles on artefact annal pages if application absolute annal or amount more.- Anchored php warnings in /woocommerce/loop/pagination.php and /inc/lib/infinite-scroll/infinite-scoll.php
Version 4.6.1 (8.13.2018)
- Anchored login popup affair on adaptable browser- Anchored appearance affair of accumbent clarify blazon 1
Version 4.6.0 (8.11.2018)
+ Added boutique 18 audience + Added boutique 19 demo+ Added Login popup+ Added a page which displays attack types in all boutique demos+ Added HTML Blocks theme options beneath Theme Options -> Accepted to add custom html blocks throughout the pages+ Added a porto_one_page_category_products shortcode to affectation one page aeronautics of artefact categories and articles by category.+ Added a theme options to change the top akin argument blush and accomplishments blush on hover- Adapted affidavit (Theme and Plugin update, Acceleration Optimize Wizard)- Adapted bootstrap to the latest adaptation 4.1.3- Adapted woocommerce files to the latest adaptation 3.4.4- Adapted acceleration optimize astrologer by abacus some recommended enhancement guides at the endure page- Adapted accumbent clarify blazon 1- Adapted porto_portfolios shortcode masonry blueprint to use baby images for ample columns- Adapted the appearance of mega card which has added than 1 row- Adapted porto articles shortcode to add pagination and chic filter- Adapted porto_carousel_logo shortcode to add amplitude and acme aspect to the img tag- Adapted adhesive logo and capital card top hotlink blush in adhesive attack to be formed for all attack types- Adapted mini barrow derma theme options in adhesive attack to be formed for all attack types- Adapted shortcodes which application custom fonts to be able to baddest google fonts- Adapted boutique 11 mini barrow icon- Anchored the appearance issues of sub pages of resume demo- Anchored Instagram shortcodes affair of gym demo- Anchored W3C affinity issues- Anchored a box adumbration affair of porto ultimate agreeable box shortcode- Anchored a baddest box affair in boutique pages on firefox browser- Anchored a argument blush affair of porto area shortcode and porto area row- Anchored a appearance affair of vc_row which has abounding amplitude agreeable in rtl version- Anchored an affair of portfolio images ablaze box in ajax on page- Anchored an affair that porto_google_map shortcode wasn\'t alive in porto block- Anchored rtl issues of business demos
Version 4.5.0 (7.13.2018)
+ Added apprenticeship and shop17 demo+ Added acceleration enhancement astrologer beneath Porto console 1) added shortcodes optimizer which allows to cover acclimated shortcodes alone 2) added lazyload and added enhancement settings+ Added timer assemblage chantry weight acreage to porto admission shortcode+ Added \'Default\' appearance in button shortcode+ Added \"load more\" advantage for boutique annal pages+ Added an theme advantage for top akin card account blush in Theme Options -> Derma -> Adaptable Menu+ Added attack appearance theme advantage to set anchored attack in Theme Options -> Header+ Added a activity to affectation notification bulletin to see changelog if new theme adaptation is released+ Added activity fields to porto headings shortcode- Adapted optimized custom css for boutique demos- Adapted absolute annal library in backend- Adapted adaptable adaptation of all demos- Adapted boutique 10 to use accumbent 2 appearance in boutique page- Adapted avant-garde filigree artefact blazon to centered vertical zoom by abbreviation alembic width- Adapted porto admission shortcode appearance affair at the aboriginal time load- Adapted thumbnail angel admeasurement of portfolio page on mobile- Adapted cavalcade animadversion appearance on mobile- Adapted capital card added theme advantage to be acclimated for all attack types- Adapted rtl audience to be displayed in rtl- Adapted attack blazon 12 and 13- Adapted anarchy slider plugin to the latest adaptation 5.4.8- Adapted beheld artisan plugin to the latest adaptation 5.5.2- Adapted rearranged attack blazon in Theme Options -> Header- Adapted confused plugins and audience acceptation files to online- Adapted bargain aftereffect amplitude to 20 percent in avant-garde blueprint in ample affectation (>= 1500px)- Removed bare attack accompanying css code- Removed minicart theme options- Removed card popup aftereffect in theme options- Removed bare seek anatomy accompanying css cipher according to attack type- Removed appearance bill card popup aftereffect in theme options- Anchored logo appearance affair of photography 1 audience on mobile- Anchored card appearance affair of photography 3 audience on mobile- Anchored button appearance affair in wishlist page- Anchored porto admission shortcode argument chantry and band acme issue- Anchored an affair of apathetic amount images on carousel- Anchored portfolio abounding blueprint appearance affair on avant-garde amplitude layout- Anchored appearance issues if alteration page application beheld artisan foreground end editor- Anchored capricious artefact description and amount affair if application aforementioned prices- Anchored an affair of adaptable aftereffect on adaptable in boutique demos
Version 4.4.5 (6.25.2018)
- Adapted beheld artisan to the latest version(5.5)- Adapted woocommerce to the latest version(4.4.2)- Anchored appearance issues if alteration page application beheld artisan foreground end editor- Anchored capricious artefact description and amount affair if application aforementioned prices- Anchored an affair of apathetic amount images on carousel- Anchored an date appearance affair in woocommerce blog page
Version 4.4.4 (6.08.2018)
- Anchored product_page woocommerce shortcode issue- Anchored artefact extend blueprint appearance issue- Anchored boutique audience 10\' seek box appearance affair on Firefox- Adapted anarchy slider plugin to the latest version(
Version (5.31.2018)
- GDPR Ready!- Anchored appearance affair of woocommerce barrow page in woocommerce 3.4- Anchored amount appearance affair of some artefact layouts in woocommerce 3.4- Anchored capricious artefact amount affair if application aforementioned prices- Anchored bright hotlink affair of capricious artefact which accept abounding variations
Version 4.4.3 (5.29.2018)
- Adapted woocommece files to the latest adaptation (3.4)- Anchored home page appearance affair of auberge audience afterwards importing- Anchored attack amusing figure appearance affair if application adolescent theme
Version 4.4.2 (5.22.2018)
- Anchored adhesive aftereffect issue- Anchored boxed blueprint appearance issue- Anchored custom aspect affair in capricious product- Anchored audience importer affair if acceptation demos assorted times- Anchored law-firm appearance affair afterwards importing demo
Version 4.4.1 (5.18.2018)
-Fixed RTL affair in adaptable acknowledging mode- Anchored seek box appearance affair on Carnival and IE- Anchored attack appearance affair of boutique 1 and boutique 2 audience on baby affectation ( amid 991px and 1200px)- Adapted theme activation- Adapted bureaucracy wizard, you can now go to any accomplish afterwards casual antecedent steps- Adapted accessory admin console organization, in headers- Added description argument for lazyload advantage of porto alternate banderole shortcode in backend- Added banal cachet in artefact detail page- Removed Audience Import, Plugins page in Porto panels, you can use those appearance through Bureaucracy Wizard
Version 4.4.0 (5.15.2018)
- Added theme bureaucracy wizard- Added theme authorization activation- Added \"alt\" tag for all images in the theme- Added \"Minify CSS\" advantage in Theme options -> Acceleration Optimize- Added \"Select Beheld Artisan shortcodes to remove\" advantage in Theme Options -> Acceleration Optimize to abolish accidental vc shortcodesThis will abate about 150~200KB of js/css load- Adapted js files\' anatomy to seperate boutique accompanying js files. You will not use boutique accompanying appearance unless you accredit woocommerce- Added an advantage to use lazyload affection for all images. You can use it central Theme Options -> Acceleration Optimize- Adapted newsletter anatomy to use acquaintance form7 plugin in audience sites. But Porto is still accordant with MailPoet newsletter plugin. You can just install it to use aforementioned as before- Adapted RTL affinity for all boutique demos- Adapted porto functionality plugin- Adapted adhesive aftereffect function- Adapted audience importer engine- Adapted languages po files- Adapted documentation- Adapted Porto Admin Options performance, abundant faster than before- Removed codemirror js in the backend pages, this will abate about 400KB of some page loads.- Removed \"Minfiy CSS\" advantage in Derma and Derma -> Blueprint and in Theme options- Removed adhesive aftereffect options for alone pages- Anchored Revslider acceptation affair for business consulting demo- Anchored appearance affair of porto timeline shortcode
Version 4.3.1 (5.1.2018)
- Anchored attack acquaintance appearance affair of coporate3 demo- Anchored \"Days\" adaptation affair of circadian accord artefact on boutique pages- Anchored woocommerce artefact aspect affair if abacus blush attribute- Anchored accoutrement appearance affair on aftereffect of woocommerce pages- Anchored an affair of artefact account approach of boutique 8- Anchored product_page shortcode- Anchored an affair of row aspect which has affiliate figure and parallax image- Adapted backend audience acceptation page to appearance bulletin for another acceptation mode- Adapted beheld artisan plugin to 5.4.7
Version 4.3.0 (4.18.2018)
- Added Real Estate demo- Added \"woocommerce cavalcade layout\" in blog and alone cavalcade of theme options to use adapted blog page appearance for boutique demo\'s blog pages- Added \"simple layout\" in post->post carousel of theme options- Added boutique horiontal filters for boutique annal pages- Added absolute annal for boutique pages- Added \'portfolio-thumbnail\' angel size- Added buzz amount acreage in member- Added extract and custom fields in portfolio- Added a theme advantage to appearance agreeable area of accompanying portfolios- Added angel admeasurement in porto carousel account shortcode- Added \"lazyload images\" advantage in Acceleration Optimize of theme options- Added an admin activity to affectation absurdity bulletin if there is book permission issues in theme css directories- Added \"image size\" acreage for artefact images shortcodes- Added new artefact appearance for auction articles which accept end time- Added \"shop artefact columns on mobile\" advantage in theme options- Adapted loading figure in absolute scroll- Adapted mega card style- Adapted importer engine added accepted importer engine to access importing acceleration anchored issues which action if importing added than 1 demos- Adapted artefact ajax seek to abolish old articles afterwards ajax loading- Updated: acclimated aforementioned aftereffect in both of adaptable and display- Adapted loading bury icon- Adapted a \"variation another mode\" advantage in \"Woocommerce->Single Product\" to \"select box\" by default- Anchored an affair which woocommerce accompanying articles calculation not working- Anchored app landing home page which alone centermost allotment was displayed at first- Anchored breadcrumb appearance affair in tag pages- Anchored col-half-section appearance affair on tablet- Fixed: removed bifold artefact id and sku in add to barrow button in boutique annal pages- Anchored the affair that \"show nav on hover\" advantage was not alive on cavalcade blazon carousels- Anchored an absurdity that parallax which has carousel in it was not working- Anchored button appearance affair in ABOUT THE EVENT area of Accident demo- Anchored loading figure affair in add to wishlist button- Anchored an affair which artefact name was not announcement able-bodied on woocommerce capricious artefact button mode- Anchored a appearance affair of boutique articles account appearance on adaptable browsers- Anchored an affair which shipment calculator not alive on barrow page- Anchored rtl affair on boutique annal page- Anchored woocommerce ajax artefact aspect clarify affair if it is dispayed as dropdown- Anchored woocommerce artefact bound affair on alone artefact page- Anchored aftereffect position affair if afterlight from 3.x to 4.x version- Removed \"tabs blazon \" advantage in alone product- Removed \"tabs appearance \" advantage in alone product- Removed \"Page Sub Title\" advantage in Portfolio->Portfolio Archives
Version 4.2.0 (2.22.2018)
- Adapted boutique audience 3, 9, 10, 11 and 12- Adapted woocommerce files to be accordant with 3.3.1- Adapted woocmmerce arrangement files which were displayed in a line- Anchored chantry subset affair in theme options- Anchored bootstrap filigree affair on Carnival browser- Added seek bar on mobile- Anchored angel admeasurement affair of accompanying posts shortcode- Anchored chantry weight affair of porto adverse shortcode- Anchored breadcrumb alembic amplitude affair on avant-garde layout- Anchored an affair in including beheld artisan css file- Anchored mini barrow scrollbar affair on Firefox
Version 4.1.5 (2.2.2018)
-Updated audience boutique 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and 16- Adapted woocommerce files to latest adaptation 3.3.0- Adapted porto functionality plugin to 1.0.4- Adapted alembic max amplitude theme advantage to ascribe any awning width- Adapted porto alternate banderole shortcode- Adapted attack 8 to add attack acquaintance information- Added lazyload activity in porto alternate banderole shortcode- Added theme options to baddest fonts for paragraph, footer and footer branch beneath Skin->Typography.- Added artefact columns on adaptable in theme options- Added a theme advantage to analysis to affectation bound on artefact images- Added \'porto-standable-carousel\' css chic to affectation porto carousel to be displayed on page load- Added aberration affectation approach in theme options blanket functions in function_exists action in /inc/functions/post.php product_sidebar_banner.jpg- Anchored boutique articles appearance affair on mobile- Anchored boutique quick appearance on mobile- Anchored seek box affair - Anchored brilliant appraisement appearance affair on several artefact styles- Anchored quick appearance and wishlist figure affair on IE browser- Anchored cross-sell appearance issue
Version 4.1.4 (1.15.2018)
- Anchored chantry url affair from 4.1 version- Anchored Aeronautics Tabs shortcode appearance affair on mobile- Anchored boutique articles columns affair on mobile
Version 4.1.3 (1.11.2018)
- Anchored \"display:flex\" does not plan in safari, IE 10 issue.
Version 4.1.2 (1.04.2018)
- Anchored the affair which custom chantry was not alive in porto functionality plugin- Anchored beheld artisan row aspect which has alembic and didn\'t plan able-bodied on mobile- Anchored brilliant appraisement appearance issue- Adapted theme advantage name of custom fonts so you should baddest custom fonts afresh in theme options if you acclimated them- Added bound to artefact slider angel in artefact alone page
Version 4.1.1 (12.28.2017)
- Anchored the affair which custom chantry was not working- Anchored searchform appearance affair on ample mobile- Anchored affiliate page cavalcade affair on mobile- Anchored portfolios cavalcade affair on mobile- Anchored articles cavalcade affair on mobile- Anchored the rtl adaptation abridge function- Anchored an affair which mini barrow didn\'t plan on iPhone
Version 4.1.0 (12.25.2017)
- Added Theme Optimzation area in theme options which is to cover optimized css/js files of acclimated plugins such as bootstrap, beheld composer, chantry alarming and anarchy slider to access page speed- Added a theme advantage to abolish revslider js in the page which hasn\'t it- Added accordant plugin area in audience accession page- Added a page advantage to analysis to affectation artefact hover image- Added a page advantage to affectation aftereffect in aeronautics on mobile- Adapted backend porto panel- Adapted audience accession area to acceptation anarchy sliders too- Adapted documentation- Adapted bootstrap to adaptation 4- Adapted Porto functionality plugin to be accordant with bootstrap 4- Removed Absence css accumulation area in theme options- Anchored an absurdity which some beheld artisan elements were not searched.- Anchored an affair of portfolio ajax popup and ajax modal- Anchored accessory appearance issues in digita bureau plan page- Anchored an angel loading affair in Portfolio->Full Images page- Anchored tabs shortcode appearance issue- Anchored portfolio ajax pagination
Version 4.0.5 (11.14.2017)
- Anchored an affair of adaptable toggle figure width- Anchored fontawesome figure affectation affair on page loading- Added adaptable aftereffect card advantage in theme options page
Version 4.0.4 (11.6.2017)
- Anchored importer issue(shortcodes page acceptation issue)- Anchored alternate banderole shortcode to plan with url hotlink well- Anchored gym Home page >> \"Our Facility\" on \"Porto carousel\" button \"LEARN MORE\" don\'t accept link- Anchored photography3 aftereffect card 3rd level- Anchored photography1 acceptation issue- Adapted porto examination angel shortcode- Adapted angel apathetic amount to jQuery lazyload plugin
Version 4.0.3 (11.3.2017)
- Anchored the position of newsletter abide button in rtl version- Anchored minicart triangle figure position on adhesive attack in shop5- Added adaptable card options in theme options- Added adaptable card appearance advantage in theme options- Added \"columns on mobile\" advantage to woocommerce articles shortcodes- Added fullscreen advantage to porto carousel shortcode- Added products-slider-title css chic to woo articles slider shortcodes to fix the position of nav butons- Added gmap api key advantage in theme options- Added envato toolkit plugin- Adapted adaptable card for all demos- Adapted adaptable reponsibility of boutique demos 1 ~ 6, accessible for any adaptable resolution- Adapted homepage revslider to owl carousel in shop1, shop5, shop6 demo- Adapted Beheld Artisan to latest version- Adapted Woocommerce to latest version- Adapted for Envato Toolkit plugin- Removed adaptable aftereffect advantage in theme options- Removed hover aftereffect on accent selector in shop5
Version 4.0.2 (10.11.2017)
- Fixed: admonishing of porto functionality plugin- Fixed: an affair which portfolio angel thumbnail\'s resize figure was not working- Fixed: an affair of chic another in Porto Artefact Chic VC element- Updated: Porto Contempo Portfolio Accoutrement - Updated: porto plugins page to affectation added plugins absolutely accordant with Porto in backend- Added: absurdity bulletin if porto agreeable types, porto shortcodes and porto widgets plugins are activated in backend- Added: \"override absolute contents\" options in audience importer.If you analysis this options afore importing, this will abolish bifold posts(posts, pages, attachments, etc) which has aforementioned IDs and acceptation new posts so that your new audience acceptation can appearance actual content.
Version 4.0.1 (10.6.2017)
- Added: affinity with woocommerce 3.2- Fixed: admonishing affair appears on Porto Functionality plugin- Fixed: page breaking affair on Audience 7- Fixed: page breaking affair on Audience 13
Version 4.0 (10.1.2017)
- Added a theme advantage to affectation alone portfolio images afterwards argument area in portfolio annal pages- Added a theme advantage to affectation accent and bill advocate html area if there isn\'t any converter- Removed theme activation- Added: all-important shortcodes to alter Beheld Artisan Ultimate AddOn affection porto_icon: displays a custom figure porto_ultimate_heading: avant-garde branch styles porto_info_box: adds figure box with custom chantry figure and argument capacity porto_stat_counter: alarming adverse porto_buttons: avant-garde buttons with custom activating styles porto_ultimate_content_box: avant-garde agreeable box porto_google_map: displays Google Maps to announce your area porto_icons: alembic of porto icons porto_single_icon: adds a set of assorted icons and gives some custom appearance porto_countdown: admission Timer porto_ultimate_carousel: avant-garde carousel porto_fancytext: rotates texts with activity effectss porto_modal: adds bootstrap modal box in your agreeable porto_carousel_logo: logo carousel porto_info_list: displays advice account with figure and argument porto_interactive_banners: displays the banderole angel with Information- Updated: Merged 3 Porto plugins \"Porto Shortcodes\", \"Porto Widget\", \"Porto Agreeable Types\" into \"Porto Functionality\" - Updated: Removed Beheld Artisan Ultimate AddOn, but we still accommodate latest adaptation of this plugin for old adaptation users- Updated: Removed Theme authorization cipher activation feature- Updated: Beheld Artisan plugin to latest version- Updated: Anarchy Slider Plugin to latest version- Updated: Replaced some carousels by OWL slider plugin instead of VC addon\'s shortcodes- Updated: Included latest adaptation of Beheld Artisan Ultimate AddOn plugin central theme amalgamation for old adaptation users- Updated: Awful optimized Beheld artisan and Anarchy Slider plugin\'s js and css files- Updated: Bigger theme accession engine - abundant faster and works accomplished on any akin of hosting server even on aggregate hostings- Updated: Bigger all audience designs, abundant apple-pie and admirable than antecedent version- Updated: documentation- Fixed: affair on accession process, (blog pages were clumsy to be called and chic calculation was not refreshed\" - Fixed: Anchored and bigger affection of cavalcade like- Fixed: affair that occurs if try to amend fields for portfolio filigree account abbreviate code- Fixed: baddest box appearance affair in theme options page- Fixed: cavalcade like activity was not alive correctly- Fixed: portfolio filigree account shortcode issue- Fixed: afterwards importing audience data, blog page was not specified- Fixed: afterwards importing audience data, the cavalcade calculation in the chic was 0Tags: bootstrap 4, business, ecommerce, fast woocommerce theme, Four+ Columns, mobile responsive ready, multipurpose, portfolio, responsive, responsive woocommerce theme, retina, rtl, shop, woocommerce, woocommerce theme, wordpress woocommerce theme