Influen – Corporate & Financial Business HTML5 Template acceptable for all types of corporate and financial businesses. This is a apple-pie and avant-garde architecture that you can use corporate, agency, audit, broker, business, company, consulting, corporate, creative, portfolio, financial, responsive, startup and any kinds of financial business service. It has a lot of appearance pages.
- Google Font Support and Embed
- Clean Coding & optimized CSS
- User-Friendly interface
- Nice Documentation
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- SEO Friendly Code
- W3 Validation HTML5/CSS3
- 100% Acknowledging Design
- Bootstrap 3.X Framwork Support
- Indented, Comment, Clean, Mark-up
- Easy to Customize
- Pixel Perfect Design
Note: Images are not included in download files
Sources and Credits
- Free Font Based Icons by Icofont
- Free Font Based Icons by Font-Awesome
- Free Font Based Icons by The Stroke-Gap-Icons-Webfont
- Pixeden shutterstock.com
- Picjumbo Freepik.com
- Unsplash Unsplash.com
Don’t Forget to accord us 5 brilliant rating
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Tags: agency, audit, broker, business, company, consulting, corporate, creative, financial, Four+ Columns, portfolio, responsive, startup