Ninja Admin is a absolutely featured exceptional admin template congenital with Bootstrap 3.3.7, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery, admirable appearance accessible to use.
List pages:
User Interface
- Draggable Cards
- Widgets
- Components
- Material Design Icons
- Range Slider
- Checkboxs-Radios
- Themify Icons
- Sweet Alert
- Buttons
- Modals
- Font Awesome
- Tree view
- Cards
- Notification
- Form Validation
- Form Upload
- WYSIWYG Editors
- + Chartist Charts
- Forms
- Form Wizard
- General Elements
- + Other Chart
- + Chartjs Chart
- Advanced Form
- Charts
- Calendar
- + Morris Chart
- + Flot Chart
- X-editable
- Tables
- + Basic Tables
- + Responsive Table
- + Editable Table
- + Data Table
- + Maintenance
- + Taskboard
- + Coming-soon
- + Confirm Mail
- Extra Pages
- + Error 404
- Pages
- + Login
- + Pricing
- + Error 500
- + Maps
- + Timeline
- + Lock Screen
- + Tour
- + Invoice
- + Starter Page
- + Recover Password
- + Projects
- + Acquaintance List
- + Gallery
- + Task Detail
- + Email template
- + Profile
- + FAQ
- + Register
We’ve acclimated the afterward assets as listed. These are some alarming conception and we are beholden to the community.
- Bootstrap Wizards
- Vertical Timeline
- Isotope
- Lightview
- Bootstrap Treeview
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- FlexDatalist
- Jquery Validation
- Pop Select
- RWD Table
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Multiselect
- TinyMCE
- DataTables
- Percircle
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Morris
- Validator
- Moment.js
- Ion Range Slider
- Toastr
- Flot Chart
- Sweet Alert
- Remodal
- Dropify
- JQuery Filters
- Modernizr
- Jquery
- Jquery UI
- Chartist
- noUISlider
- Editable Table
- Full Calendar
- Bootstrap Touchspin
- X-Editable
- Select2
- Waves
- Tourist
- Bootstrap
- Chart.js
- iCheck
- Bootstrap Daterangepicker
- mCustomScrollbar
Once afresh acknowledge you for your purchase. We affliction about anniversary of our barter and amusement them with respect. If you accept any catechism or abstraction about this product, feel chargeless to acquaintance us at We agreement that we will advance all of our abilities and strengths into articles and support.
11/01/2016: (version 1.0)
- Adaptation 1.0 Initial ReleaseTags: admin, bootstrap, calendar, chart, css3, email, form, Full Calendar, html5, javascript, jquery, responsive, template, Two Columns