Yala is a Personal One Page Template, a Responsive HTML Template congenital with BOOTSTRAP, able-bodied organized and structured. It’s actual simple and simple to customise and manipulate.This template gives you a personal amplitude to allotment what you are all about , as a Creative Web Designer, Developer, Photographer or appealing abundant any profession .
- Documentation with details
- Google Fonts
- Typed JS
- Bootstrap framework
- Font alarming Icons
- Modern and Clean Design
- Blog Page
- Working AJAX Contact Form
- JQuery and CSS3 Animation
- One Page Template
- Full Responsive
Note: All images are just acclimated for examination purpose alone and NOT included in the final acquirement files.
Tags: blog, bootstrap, creative, css, designer, Four+ Columns, freelancer, html, jquery, js, modern, personal, portfolio, responsive, template, version