Xmino is a absolutely acknowledging bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template fabricated withBootstrap 4 framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery. It works on all above webBrowsers desktop and all acute buzz devices. It is actual simple to adapt andDeveloper affable template. It has a huge accumulating of UI apparatus with latestJQuery & bootstrap plugins. It can be acclimated for any blazon of web applications such as e-Commerce dashboard, custom admin panel, activity administration admin, crm,cms, etc.
Template Key Features
- Well Documentation
- W3C Validated Code
- Different Blazon Form Layouts
- Forms Wizard
- Data Table with Paging & Sorting
- Compatible with Small, Medium & Large Screens
- Multiple Table Layout Examples
- Multiple Chart Options
- Different Blazon Notifications & Sweet Alerts
- Easy to Customization
- 200+ UI Icons
- Animated Models
- Invoice Page
- User Profile Page
- Login/ Registration Pages
- Validation Forms
- Multiple Color Dashboard
- Dynamic & Static Widgets
- 65+ Acknowledging HTML Pages
- Range Slider
- 100% Html Acknowledging Pages
Sources and Credits
- Summernote
- Jquery Validation
- simple Line Icons
- Vertical Timeline
- Flag Icons
- Gmaps
- Chart JS
- Flot Charts
- Morris Charts
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Lobibox Notifications
- Themify Icons
- Bootstrap Datatable
- Jvector Map
- Easy Pie Chart
- jQuery Sparkline
- Fullcalendar
- Select2 org
We accept acclimated images alone for audience purpose. Images are not included in the download bundle.
Tags: admin, admin dashboard, admin template, bootstrap 4 admin templates, bootstrap admin, bootstrap layout, clean, cms, crm, dashboard, Four+ Columns, light admin dashboard, responsive, responsive admin, web app