x-the-theme.zip - Free Download

X | The Theme

March 21, 2019: The best WordPress theme of 2019 just got even better. Version 6.5 is hot off the presses! See the Changelog. (Latest Version: 6.5.5).

X – Overview

Stacks – X includes assorted altered designs central of one able WordPress theme, and we accredit to these designs as “Stacks.” There are currently four Stacks attainable in X. It’s like affairs one theme and consistently accepting admission to new designs all the time! The links beneath yield you to the capital audience for anniversary Stack, about we accept created multiple altered demos for anniversary Stack so be abiding to analysis them all out.

Extensions – Calmly physique aloft the close foundation X has already provided with an absurd calendar of added plugins. Aural the X ecosystem, Extensions are comprised of plugins congenital by our agents to plan seamlessly with X, as able-bodied as third affair plugins by developers we’ve partnered with to accompany you abundant actualization that we’ve chip deeply into the theme. This keeps X angular for those who adeptness not charge a assertive affection and as able as attainable for those who do! Be abiding to analysis out a abounding account of our Extensions for added advice on these amazing actualization that are included for chargeless with anniversary altered acquirement as able-bodied as this FAQ answer how the licensing works.

Experts – X was congenital aloft the ascribe of industry-leading experts. We consulted abundant individuals and asked them what array of actualization they capital to see in a theme from an SEO standpoint, design, feature-set, et cetera, and congenital their suggestions appropriate into the theme. Forget the business speak, X in fact delivers on what it promises.

Theme Options Panel – Being on the acid bend of WordPress development is something we capital to do from the start. Because of that, we fabricated abiding that we abhorred the use of bulky added admin panels and instead, autonomous to advance a powerful, afresh rebuilt theme options panel. With this setup, you can examination all of the changes you achieve to your website reside after any charge to about-face windows or brace the browser in accession to analytic for in fact what you need. If you’re blessed with your changes, baddest “Save” and your updates will go live. All of the afterward can be edited:

  • Adjust WooCommerce accoutrement angel alignment
  • Bottom footer agreeable (accepts HTML input)
  • Countless Stack-specific options
  • Update boutique layout
  • Button admeasurement (mini, small, regular, large, extra large, or jumbo)
  • Enable or attenuate topbar
  • Navbar top and ancillary logo alignment (in pixels)
  • Enable the extract or abounding column agreeable on your basis page
  • Posts per page for the shop
  • Site max-width (in pixels)
  • Update blog actualization (standard or masonry)
  • Logo font, color, size, weight, letter spacing, and accept to accredit uppercase styling
  • Input custom CSS appropriate in the Theme Customizer
  • Manage and examination your BuddyPress setup
  • Enable or attenuate column meta
  • Enable or attenuate bbPress Navbar Menu
  • Enable or attenuate Navbar Search
  • Select artefact columns
  • Topbar agreeable for taglines, contact information, or secondary navigation (accepts HTML input)
  • Header position (static top, fixed top, fixed left, or fixed right)
  • Footer accoutrement areas (one, two, three, or four)
  • Custom BuddyPress basic subtitles (in applicative Stacks)
  • Enable circumscribed featured images
  • Header accoutrement breadth button color
  • Navbar hotlink color, hotlink color hover, size, weight, and accept to accredit uppercase styling
  • Site blueprint (fullwidth or boxed)
  • Profiles for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Pinterest, Dribbble, Behance, Tumblr, and RSS
  • Logo upload
  • Update bbPress layout
  • Button actualization (square, rounded, or pill)
  • Enable or attenuate the Scroll Top Anchor, acceptance your users to acknowledgment to the top of your website with the bang of a mouse
  • Stack alternative (Integrity, Renew, Icon, or Ethos)
  • Enable or attenuate bottom footer, footer menu, footer amusing menu, and footer agreeable area
  • Enable or attenuate top footer area)
  • Update annal actualization (standard or masonry)
  • Mobile navbar button alignment (in pixels)
  • Enable or attenuate breadcrumbs
  • Custom portfolio activity title
  • Site amplitude (in percentage)
  • Logo and aeronautics blueprint (inline or stacked)
  • Enable or attenuate amusing administration links on portfolio items
  • Navbar ancillary amplitude (in pixels)
  • Button font color, background color, and border color (and set ethics for the hover as well)
  • Site icons (favicon, touch icon, tile icon, and tile figure accomplishments color)
  • Enable or attenuate BuddyPress Navbar Menu
  • Enable or attenuate portfolio account meta
  • Manage all of your widgetized areas appropriate in the Theme Customizer
  • Headings font, color, weight, letter spacing, and accept to accredit uppercase styling
  • Mobile navbar button size (in pixels)
  • Background color, pattern, image, and image fade
  • Navbar top acme (in pixels)
  • Custom URL bang for your portoflio items
  • Enable custom fonts and their subsets if desired
  • Make logo retina ready
  • Update BuddyPress layout
  • Enable or attenuate Related Products and adapt their actualization (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Button actualization (3D, flat, or transparent)
  • Manage and examination your bbPress setup
  • Enable or attenuate Upsells and adapt their actualization (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • And so abundant more!
  • Custom portfolio activity button text
  • Header accoutrement areas (one, two, three, or four)
  • Input custom JavaScript appropriate in the Theme Customizer
  • Custom BuddyPress basic titles
  • Custom portfolio tag account title
  • Enable or attenuate Cross Sells and adapt their actualization (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Update annal layout
  • Header accoutrement breadth button blush hover
  • Manage and examination your WooCommerce shop
  • Update blog layout
  • Content blueprint (content larboard – aftereffect right, sidebar larboard – agreeable right, or fullwidth)
  • Link color and hotlink color hover
  • Navbar top and ancillary link alignment (in pixels)
  • Body font, color, size (base and agreeable area), and weight
  • Enable or attenuate assorted artefact tabs with ease

Responsive – Let’s face it: we reside in a adaptable world. It’s in fact capital that your website be as attainable as attainable on all devices. However, we acquainted that acknowledging architecture was something abroad we capital to achieve even better. Instead of utilizing a architecture that alone changes every so generally at anchored breakpoints, we autonomous for a in fact aqueous (percentage-based) architecture that looks abundant on all awning sizes (even the “in-between” ones). It’s something that in fact has to be apparent to accumulate the accomplished experience. So blaze up your 27” iMac, 11” netbook, Kindle Fire, Android phone, or annihilation abroad you can adjure up – X will attending aces on all of them.

Page Builder – X barter can accept amid Cornerstone, our absurd 100% front-end page architect or Visual Composer for use aural X. Both plugins are included with anniversary absolute purchase.

Typography – The web is aboriginal and foremost a typographic medium. Because of that, we capital to ensure that the akin of ascendancy over your site’s blazon was unparalleled in any added WordPress theme on the market. We’ve not alone included over 600 chargeless Google Fonts to use in your theme, we’ve fabricated it so that all corresponding weights of anniversary chantry are dynamically loaded, ultimately accouterment you with added choice, and bigger all-embracing website performance. Adjust sizes, colors, letter spacing, capitalization, and so abundant added with X’s abreast amaranthine typographic options.

Shortcodes – The aliment and adulate of any acceptable theme. Shortcodes accredit you to become a adeptness user and yield your website to new heights. But you’re alone as acceptable as what you’re provided with in your theme. With X, we’ve congenital 40 arch shortcodes (plenty of them in fact one of a kind), acceptance you to physique about any blueprint your apperception can imagine. All shortcodes are included via a custom congenital plugin for simple maintenance. Included shortcodes are as follows:

  • Entry Share
  • Columns
  • Tabbed Content
  • Popovers & Tooltips
  • Accordon
  • Gap
  • Container
  • Responsive Visibility
  • Responsive Text
  • Block Grid
  • Audio Embed
  • Alert
  • Buttons
  • Columnize
  • Feature Headline
  • Highlight
  • Icons
  • Skill Bar
  • Prompt
  • Promo
  • Blockquote
  • Icon List
  • Line
  • Custom Headline
  • Responsive Pricing Table
  • Code
  • Clear
  • Responsive Video
  • Pullquote
  • Callout
  • Dropcap
  • Content Band
  • Map
  • Responsive Slider
  • Search
  • Author
  • Images
  • Recent Posts
  • Protected Content
  • Responsive Lightbox
  • Table of Contents

To see examples of the shortcodes and how they attending in anniversary Stack, analysis out the links below:

  • Shortcodes – Renew
  • Shortcodes – Ethos
  • Shortcodes – Integrity
  • Shortcodes – Icon

Navigation – Advance dozens of aeronautics options including positioning, height, centering, chip search, and abundant more. The sky is the limit!

Megamenus – Searching to affectation lots of content? Megamenus accommodate you with a visually agreeable way to adapt circuitous aeronautics layouts.

Search – Our alternative seek functionality takes the acceptable seek anatomy into the 21st aeon with apple-pie administration and affluence of use (it’s slick).

One Page Sites – Calmly bureaucracy one page aeronautics with X on your homepage or beyond assorted pages to actualize altered and agreeable layouts for your visitors.

WooCommerce – Calmly transform your WordPress website into a abounding fledged eCommerce storefront with the bang of a abrasion (and for in fact no added cost). The X WordPress theme is in fact chip with the WooCommerce plugin for those who charge it; however, if you don?t charge an eCommerce affection on your website there will be no added appulse on your site?s performance. X alone uses what needs to be acclimated at any accustomed time, befitting amount times fast and visitors happy. But that?s not all! Since X was created to abutment multiple, in fact altered designs alleged Stacks, anniversary Stack has it?s own attending and feel if it comes to WooCommerce integration. If you are searching for an eCommerce solution, you now accept assorted in fact altered looks to accept from! Analysis them out below:

  • Shop – Renew
  • Shop – Icon
  • Shop – Integrity
  • Shop – Integrity

bbPress – Still alive that clunky, old-hat appointment software on your website? If you haven’t approved out bbPress yet, you adeptness wish to accord it a try! bbPress is appointment software developed by the creators of WordPress, so you can blow assured that it will consistently be accordant with your accession and run application the a lot of up to date actualization available. With X, we’ve taken it a footfall added and combed through every bend of what bbPress has to action in an accomplishment to clothier even the atomic detail so that it is in fact custom and not just like addition “add-on.” bbPress is in fact alternative and is not appropriate to run X, so if you don’t accept any charge for forums on your website, abhorrence not! The theme will handle the loading of added styles for bbPress dynamically, so if you’re not application the plugin you won’t accept any added cipher accepting loaded in that you don’t need.

  • bbPress – Icon
  • bbPress – Renew
  • bbPress – Ethos
  • bbPress – Integrity

BuddyPress – If you’re searching to yield your website “beyond the blog,” BuddyPress adeptness just be the band-aid you’ve been searching for. As their website puts it, BuddyPress is ”…a able (yet elegant) apartment of amusing networking components, fabricated the WordPress way, to advice you physique a adjustable & able-bodied community.” X actualization in fact chip administration and functionality for BuddyPress. We’ve larboard no rock unturned by demography all built-in apparatus such as profiles, settings, groups, activity streams, notifications, friendships, and private messaging (along with abundant more) and customized them to accommodated our accomplished standards. As with all of our chip plugins, barter who don’t plan on application BuddyPress won’t accept any added cipher loaded assimilate their website…kiss cipher balloon goodbye!

  • BuddyPress – Renew
  • BuddyPress – Icon
  • BuddyPress – Integrity
  • BuddyPress – Ethos

Site Layout – It’s consistently nice to accept decisions. Accept amid boxed or fullwidth layouts beyond all Stacks to acquisition a architecture that in fact apparel your needs.

Custom Backgrounds – Setting a accomplishments to your website helps to set the affection you’re aggravating to achieve. Simple colors can be light, clean, and professional, patterns can accommodate some arrangement and depth, while accomplished images can achieve a able statement. With X, there’s no fuss with any of these options as you can calmly adapt anniversary Stack fit your style. Additionally, you can even set altered accomplishments images on alone pages, including application multiples to actualize fullwidth accomplishments slideshows (a actual artistic use for portfolios). You’ve never had this abundant fun arena about with accomplishments images.

Helpful Page Templates – X comes with abundant pages templates to accommodate you with affluence of adaptability and adeptness if it comes to architecture the website you want. Calmly about-face off assertive elements like your attack or footer on accurate pages to abetment you in creating business clasp pages, continued anatomy sales letters, and annihilation abroad you can anticipate of. Our included bare templates are absolute for crafting altered homepage designs alternating with our able shortcodes, ensuring that your website will never attending like anyone else’s who is application X. Included page templates are as follows:

  • Layout – Agreeable Left, Aftereffect Right
  • Layout – Portfolio
  • Blank – No Container | No Header, No Footer
  • Layout – Fullwidth
  • Blank – Container | Header, Footer
  • Layout – Aftereffect Left, Agreeable Right
  • Blank – No Container | Header, Footer
  • Blank – No Container | Header, No Footer
  • Blank – Container | Header, No Footer
  • Blank – Container | No Header, No Footer

Unlimited Sidebars – It’s a accustomed with a lot of capacity these canicule and it’s no altered with X. You accept absolute sidebars at your auctioning to achieve whatever your activity desires. Our sleek, automatic aftereffect administrator interface has a brace tricks up it’s sleeve, and commutual with our blueprint templates, you can achieve anything. Some of the things you can do with sidebars in X include:

  • Set sidebars on either ancillary of the page (left or right)
  • Create and administer absolute altered sidebars
  • Set sidebars on ancestor pages to be affiliated by all adolescent pages as well
  • Manage all altered sidebars from one automated interface

Unique Portfolios – Anniversary Stack in X actualization it’s own unique, one of a affectionate portfolio layout. While anniversary portfolio appears visually different, you can still achieve all of the aforementioned adapted after-effects beyond all of them. Additionally, you can bound and calmly bureaucracy assorted portfolios on your website with our portfolio page template! With anniversary portfolio that you actualize you can accept to affectation portfolio items from all categories, one category, or a custom alternative of categories. With so abundant flexibility, it’s a breeze to adapt your plan online. Some actualization of the portfolios include:

  • Set how abounding posts per page you wish to arise on the basis listing
  • Categorize and tag your portfolio pieces like accustomed posts for simple organization
  • Set altered backgrounds on anniversary alone column to mirror your work
  • Set how abounding columns you wish to use on the basis listing
  • Supports images, galleries, and video
  • Set a altered URL bang for your portfolio items
  • Display either the featured image or the media type (e.g. gallery, video) on the basis page

Portfolio photography abundantly provided by James Brandon, jamesb.com.

Revolution Slider – X not alone supports, but includes the exceptional Revolution Slider plugin for chargeless alternating with your acquirement of the theme. Effortlessly actualize and administer altered slideshows with arresting transitions and animations that are all in fact responsive. With X, you can calmly cover a slider at the top of any page application a simple advantage dropdown, or to the physique of your pages and posts application the generated shortcodes.

Simple Forms – Administration is included for the a lot of accepted anatomy conception plugins on the bazaar including Contact Anatomy 7 and Gravity Forms for quick anatomy setup.

Icon Fonts – They’re all the acerbity appropriate now, and for acceptable reason. Figure fonts are simple to use, attending abundant beyond all accessories (we’re talking about you retina displays), and aren’t abundant of a achievement hit. With X, we’ve called to cover two figure chantry libraries, Chantry Awesome, and the Foundation Amusing Set, accumulated to accord you about 400 icons to use throughout your paragraphs, buttons, lists, and just about annihilation abroad you can anticipate about.

Integrated Amusing Sharing – Facilitating the administration of your agreeable is a breeze with X. Built-in options acquiesce for a quick, efficient, and seamless administration acquaintance that consistently feels custom tailored and never tacked on.

Retina Ready – Alternating with HTML5, CSS3, and figure fonts, X aswell ensures things like your logo attending bright clear beyond all devices.

Dynamic Thumbnail Sizing – Since we’ve provided you with not alone the adeptness to ascendancy the amplitude of your site, but aswell your agreeable area, that abundant capricious allowance can could cause problems with your media (i.e. too big, too small, et cetera). However, we’ve included some custom scripting that takes affliction of all that, dynamically allocation all featured angel agreeable beyond your website based aloft the ambit you’ve called for your theme. What does it all beggarly in the end? Bigger achievement and happier users. What abroad could you ask for?

Clean Code – X conforms to industry best practices at all levels. The absorption to detail accustomed by our developers on all levels is in fact unparalleled. Implementing the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques, alternating with acid bend WordPress standards ensures that your theme will accommodate you with the best attainable acquaintance you could achievement for with a exceptional theme. Bigger amount times and achievement agency your agreeable is added readily captivated by your visitors, arch to echo barter and added exposure.

Demo Data – Sometimes it’s nice to get a little arch start. Included with your acquirement of X is a set of audience abstracts illustrating how to achieve dozens of altered layouts, alternating with how to yield advantage of X’s altered feature-set. Be abiding to analysis out our all new Expanded Demos – alone attainable in the X Theme.

iLightBox jQuery Plugin – To achieve your images as admirable as possible, we’ve chip the iLightBox jQuery plugin anon in the theme in affiliation with the acknowledging lightbox shortcode. This $13 amount is chargeless with your acquirement of X, and will ensure that your photographs attending admirable as anytime in it’s in fact responsive, basal display.

Custom Column Formats – Administer your blog posts bigger by demography advantage of WordPress’ custom column formats. The afterward column formats are included, anniversary with their own altered set of abstracts inputs for managing agreeable calmly and easily:

  • Link
  • Standard
  • Audio
  • Quote
  • Image
  • Video
  • Gallery

Search Engine Optimized – A lot of humans avowal about seek engine optimization. We in fact accept abstracts to aback it up. X was congenital with the advice of industry experts, SEO included. Blow assured that aggregate from the basal markup utilizing the latest semantic HTML5 elements, up to specialized shortcodes for added clickthrough ante accept all been expertly crafted to ensure that your website ranks as best it can.

Translation Ready – X is adaptation accessible and comes with included .mo and .po files.

Unlimited Styling – Trust us on this: about any blueprint or architecture you can anticipate of is attainable with X WordPress Theme. We even believed in this so much, we created 30 audience sites (yes, 30), to appearance off what is in fact attainable with X, and these were just from our team. Brainstorm what you could actualize with your own acuteness and the accoutrement all-important to achieve it happen.

Right to Left – Included with X are Stack specific stylesheets that abutment appropriate to larboard languages and reposition elements if necessary.

WAI-ARIA Roles – X includes WAI-ARIA roles throughout anniversary and every arrangement book to ensure that your website conforms to the latest accessibility standards set alternating by the W3C.

Unbelievable Affiliate Resources – Acquaintance a affiliate breadth like you’ve never apparent before. In fact responsive, accessible forums, HD tutorials, able contributions, and so abundant more. X is added than just a theme, it’s an acquaintance unto itself.

Updates – Our #1 antecedence is to accumulate X on the acid bend of functionality, and our aggregation is quick to abode bug fixes as able-bodied as abacus new features.

Multisite Tested – X has been thoroughly activated beyond abundant multisite setups (including our own audience installations), so you can blow simple alive that aggregate will action as it should beyond your network.

Child Theme Compatible – X is adolescent theme compatible, with adolescent capacity attainable aloft your acquirement of the theme to achieve customization simple and painless.

Custom Widgets – It’s a breeze to cover your Flickr or Dribbble augment into your theme with X’s custom widgets. Simply annoyance and bead them wherever you desire, ascribe your user information, and you’re acceptable to go!

Cross Browser Compatibility – No browser is larboard abaft with the X WordPress Theme! All avant-garde browsers accurate by X include:

  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer 10
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Internet Explorer 11

Threaded Comments – Threaded animadversion abutment is alive in X and in fact responsive, acceptance your users’ comments to be calmly arresting and clear on all devices, no amount how small.

Best WordPress Theme 2019 – X is in fact the ultimate WordPress theme, and we attending advanced to proving it to you. Pick up your aboriginal or next authorization today!

Looking For Support? – Create your chargeless Themeco account or login for admission to support, cipher snippets, and more! See the latest changes to X with our Changelog.

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