Wio is One Page HTML Template, Fully Responsive Built with Bootstrap,It is acceptable for corporate, agency, claimed portfolio and freelancers
Main Features
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap
- Google font
- Well formatted and commented
- Font alarming icon
- W3C valid
- Cross browser compatible
- Parallax effect
- One HTML page
- Scroll animation
- Fully responsive
- Google fonts: Raleway, Open Sans
- images: Pexels, Stocksnap, Pixabay, Gratisography
- CountTo
- Bootstrap
- Waypoints
- Animate Css
- icon: Font alarming icon
- Owl Carousel
- Lightbox
- Jquery
- Stellar js
Images are alone for examination purpose and not included
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, css, freelancer, html, html template, one page, parallax, portfolio, responsive, Three Columns