Vorota is a exceptional HTML theme for Consulting & Business website.. Vorota comes with home page, about us, team, faq’s, testimonials, service, project, blog and acquaintance page that ensure the accomplishment of your needs. It is absolutely acknowledging so it looks admirable at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets.
- Bootstrap Framework
- Fancybox & Bootstrap Modals
- Styled Google Maps
- Based on Bootstrap 4.x
- Coming anon page included
- Revolution slider (SAVE $16)
- Parallax backgrounds
- Video supported
- Error pages are included
- Responsove design
- Transparent header
- Over 100+ chantry icons
- Side card for quick sections
- Cross browsers support
- Sticky header
- Valid HTML5 – CSS3
- Free quick support
- Flowless CSS transition
- Retina ready
- Awesome OWL carousel
- Google fonts