Void is advised with a appearance to mix minimalism with character to actualize an eye communicable acquaintance for your customers. For it’s adorable architecture and cool simple to use functionalities, this multi-purpose portfolio arrangement is acceptable for about any affectionate of organizations. It’s versatility knows no limit, so it can be acclimated in abounding purposes like – portfolios, agencies, freelancers, creative groups, artists, professionals or just any creative individual.
The 1st adaptation of Void Comes with 10 homepage styles, 37 portfolio styles, 06 abounding projects, 03 e-commerce pages, 06 blog pages and added appropriate pages like 02 Under architecture pages and 02 absurdity pages. The architecture and functionalities are apprenticed by avant-garde technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and Uikit.
Powerful Bootstrap framework is alloyed with addition failing able framework alleged Uikit. So, customization and abacus new appearance to the website is easier than ever.
The arrangement helps your business to angle out from your antagonism in a apple-pie and chic way. The attenuate important data of the architecture shows that accurate minimalist architecture absolutely stands out the most. Don’t delay – Get a archetype of Void today!
- Uikit 2 Integration
- Multi-Purpose
- 02 Contact Pages
- Crisp Typography
- 400+ Google Fonts
- YouTube Video Integration
- Minimal & Creative Design
- Well Documented
- Lightbox Image Viewer
- Uikit Filters
- Creative Layout
- Google Map
- SEO Friendly
- 02 Coming Soon Page
- 10 Homepage Variants
- Vimeo Video Integration
- One Page Design
- Message Success & Failed Pages
- Friendly Customer Support
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Contact Form Validation
- 06 Abounding Projects
- 1000+ Icons with Font Awesome & Ionicons
- 06 Blog Styles
- Neatly Organized Codes
- Responsive Slider
- Latest & Powerful Bootstrap 3
- Valid Codes
- Optimized Files
- Retina Ready Design
- 37 Portfolio Styles
- Classic CSS3 Animations
- Fully Responsive
- 02 404 Page
- Super Fast Loading
- 60+ HTML Files
- Easily Customizable
- 03 Shop Styles
37 Portfolio Styles
- Column 03 Boxed Msonary
- portfolio-col-6-full
- Column 04 Boxed Large
- Column 05 Boxed Large Gutter
- Column 05 Boxed Gutter
- Column 02 Boxed Msonary
- Column 02 Boxed
- Column 02 Full
- portfolio-col-6-full-large
- Column 04 Boxed
- Column 05 Boxed Large
- Column 05 Boxed
- Column 03 Boxed Gutter
- Column 03 Boxed Large Gutter
- Column 03 Full
- Column 04 Abounding Large Gutter
- Column 03 FullGutter
- Column 02 Boxed Large
- Column 02 Abounding Large
- Column 04 Boxed Gutter
- Column 03 Boxed
- Column 02 Abounding Msonary
- Column 04 Full
- Column 05 Abounding Gutter
- Column 04 Abounding Large
- Column 03 Boxed Large
- Column 05 Abounding Large
- Column 05 Full
- Column 03 Abounding Large Gutter
- portfolio-col-6-full-large-gutter
- Column 05 Abounding Large Gutter
- Column 03 Abounding Large
- Column 04 Abounding Gutter
- Column 03 Abounding Msonary
- portfolio-col-6-full-gutter
Other Pages
- 06 Shop Pages
- 10 Homepages
- Coming Soon Pages
- 404 Pages
- 06 Abounding Projects
Version 1.0- antecedent release
Visit Our Website – orbmob.com
Note: All the images acclimated in this arrangement are alone for examination purposes and are not included in the capital download file.
Tags: agency, bootstrap, clean, creative, css3, Four+ Columns, gallary, html5, minimal, minimalist, modern, multipurpose, personal, portfolio, responsive, uikit, unique