UpQi multipurpose responsive one page HTML5 template. It is absolute for agencies or photographers.
The agreeable that it holds can be devided in these groups:
1. Services (or something similar) – in fullscreen slides, with big accomplishments images, appellation and abbreviate descriotion or account (e.g., of sub-services).
2. “About” text.
3. Links (e.g., partners, sponsors).
4. Contact advice (e.g., email, buzz number).
5. Lightbox “Portfolio” arcade of images.
This template has been advised cerebration about the artlessness and perfection. Better beneath agreeable and functionality, added attention and compatibility.
– Fully responsive
– Valid HTML5 & CSS3
– Lightbox “Portfolio” arcade
– Fullscreen annal sections
– Two versions: simple and development (with PHP and LESS files)
– SEO tags preset
– Clean cipher with comments
– Keyboard aeronautics
– Documented
– Font Awesome: http://fontawesome.io/
– Lethargy: https://github.com/d4nyll/lethargy
– FastClick: https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick
– jQuery: http://jquery.com/
– iScroll: http://cubiq.org/iscroll-5
– Images: https://unsplash.com/
– Viewport Units Buggyfill: https://github.com/rodneyrehm/viewport-units-buggyfill
Free fonts from Google:
– Abel: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Abel
– Cormorant Garamond: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Cormorant+Garamond
The images beheld in the reside examination website are replaced with a placeholders.
Tags: agency, big images, creative, creative agency, fullscreen, fullscreen slider, gallery, iScroll, Liquid Layout, minimal, multipurpose, One Column, one page, personal, portfolio, scroll sections, single page