Trenty is a awful creative, modern, visually beauteous and Bootstrap acknowledging multipurpose accumulated and portfolio HTML5 template with 40+ accessible home page demos., able-bodied documented, active and absolutely acknowledging HTML5 and CSS3 multi-purpose website template for corporate, agencies, freelancers, individuals as able-bodied as any blazon of businesses, If you are a lover of artistic designs and would like to body a actual different and able website bound again your seek should end at Trenty.
Theme Features
40+ Html Pages Bootstrap 3x Absolutely Customizable HTML5 & CSS3 cipher Dedicated Abutment Coming Soon Page 1200+ Icons Acknowledging Design Revolution Slider 404 Error Page Google fonts History Timeline Browser Compatibility Able-bodied Documentation Cross Browser Abutment All Files are Able-bodied Commented Masonry Gallerys Parallax Backgrounds Background Videos Custom Backgrounds Different Home Page Layouts Unlimited Colors
Images used: Stock Images and ability chargeless absorb images. Images not Included to Theme. They are Demo Purpose Only.
Icons used: images used:
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Tags: blockchain, bootstrap, business, crypto, cryptocurrency, exchanges, Fixed Layout, Four+ Columns, html, ico, landing, landingpage, portfolio, responsive, software, startup