The Tempo is congenital as a apple-pie and acknowledging HTML5 bureau template, acceptable for any affectionate of freelancers or businesses. Tempo uses a lot of accepted Bootstrap framework(3.x) and contains a lot of features. You can calmly adapt and extend the Tempo. Start to actualize your own theme with Tempo now.
Dev feature
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- messonary blazon portfolio
- Fully Acknowledging One Page with siticky Header
- Bootstrap grid
- Modern & Unique Design
- Based On Bootstrap v3
- Fully Documented
- Use googole , ionic figure and fontawesome icon
- Nice page loader
- Easy to customized
- Paralax
- Jquery
- Google Fonts
- Isotop
- Owl Carosel
- Sticky
- Counter Up
- Bootstrap
- Fontawesome Icon
- Ionic Icon
- Unsplash
Please Note
images are not incoluded on dowanload file
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, clean, corporate, creative, freelancer, html, minimal, minimalist, modern, multipurpose, One Column, personal, portfolio, responsive