TAMEER is a Powerful, Responsive and Premium Bootstrap Multi page Construction Template. You can do whatever you wish with this template. It can be a Business, Blog, Agency, website or anything.
- Easy to Customize
- Cross browser Compatibility IE9+, FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari
- Google chantry
- Appealing Header Design
- and abundant more…
- Detailed affidavit
- Clean Code
- Bootstrap 3+
- Valid HTML5 Code
- Special Quote Popup
- HTML5 & CSS3 Layout
- Fully Responsive Layout
Random Google Images
Note I: Images are alone for audience purpose and not included in Download file.
Note II: Images acclimated in this template is alone for examination purpose and belongs to their admired Authors
Plugins and frameworks:
Bootstrap Jquery Owl Slider (http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/)
If you accept any concern again acquaintance us, we will adulation to advice you out.
Tags: agency, build, business, clean, cleaning, cleaning company, construction, corporate, creative, Four+ Columns, modern, multi-page, parallax, plumbing, portfolio, rebuild, responsive