Swift is a acknowledging multipurpose HTML5 template with a avant-garde and artistic design. Swift is ideal for a portfolio, baby agency, startup or a baby business website. This template is congenital application the worlds a lot of accepted acknowledging CSS framework Bootstrap 3.x, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and abounding added avant-garde technologies.
Main Features:
- W3C Valid HTML Code
- Ionicons icons
- Well Documented
- Clean, Avant-garde and Artistic Design
- Cross Browser Supports: FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE9+, etc
- Mobile Friendly
- Based on Bootstrap v3.3.7
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- Fully Responsive
- Free Google Fonts
- Great Support
- Parallax Scrolling Effect
- Fully customizable
Credits & Sources:
- Ionicons
- ScrollMagic
- Masonry
- Owl-carousel
- GreenSock TweenMax
- MagnificPopup
- Anime js
- Google Fonts
- Parallax
- Font Awesome
- Pexels
- Pixabay
- Unsplash
NOTE: Photos from the examination are not included in a download file.
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, clean, freelancer, light, minimal, multipurpose, One Column, parallax, personal, portfolio, responsive