Soft Material Analytic – Acknowledging Bootstrap 4.1 Admin Template, UI and WebApp Template a absolutely acknowledging admin dashboard template congenital with Bootstrap 4.1 Framework, avant-garde web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and simple customizable which is basically advised for the developers who wish to adapt it.
Soft Material Admin is Absolutely acknowledging admin dashboard template for job analytic data. Avant-garde searching HTML Template on Bootstrap 4 Stable platform. You can clue and assay your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets.
Soft Material Admin can be acclimated by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, activity administration system, admin dashboard, appliance backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc.
More than 100+ appearance and with widgets and plugins are included actuality to accomplish your plan easier.
Works on all above web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all added smartphone devices.
UI Kit
BadgesButtonsFloating Action ButtonsCarouselModalDropdownDropdown menuSortableNavBreadcrumbsPaginationAlertCalloutTooltipAccordionTabProcessProgress barSpinnerTimelineTimeline activityUser CardsSweet Alert Notification Advanced Medias Badges Dropdown gridDropdown menuDropdownbordercolorDraggable PortletBootstrap SwitchDate PaginatorHorizontal Timeline NestableRibbons
Extra pages
Invoice Profile Login Register Lockscreen 404 Error 500 Error Blank Page Pace Page Recover countersign Maintenance
Default inputs Material inputs success inputs warning inputs error inputs Combine inputs Custom checkboxes Custom radios Password strength Form layouts Color picker Date time selector Select picker Upload buttons Form Validation Form Wizard Code Editor Markdown Xeditable Editor Formatter Pre-made Forms
ChartJS Morris Sparkline Flot Inline charts jQuery Knob
Statistic Chat Social Weather Blog Chart List Social widgets Pricing tables Coming soon
Documentation includes:
How to editPlugins used
Bootstrap Jquery Font-Awesome ionicons ChartJS Flot Morris.js
Please note: Images in audience are not allotment of the template files.
Tags: admin, admin dashboard, admin template, bootstrap, calendar, dashboard, html template, html website, mobile, One Column, pages, pages dashboard, responsive, retina, ui framework