Strict – Fully Featured, Responsive, Crossbrowser HTML Template developed accurately for any types of website, for archetype for: business, corporate, portfolios, blogs or business campaigns, etc. Strict is best ill-fitted for accumulated website like consulting firms, tax help, insurance, loan, Investment close etc. Clean, accurate and commented cipher lets you adapt it easily.
Features List:
- Google Map
- Built with SCSS Pre-Processor
- Bootstrap 4
- SCSS Source Included
- Fully Responsive
- 17 HTML files
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- W3C Validated,clean Code
- Easy to Customize
- Well Documented
- Google fonts
- Font Awesome Icons
- And abundant more…
- Bootstrap 4
- Waypoints.js
- Imageloaded.js
- Owl Carousel
- Modernizr.js
- YTPlayer.js
- CountUp.js
- Particles.js
- Jquery.js
- Parallax.js
- Shuffle.js
- Font Awesome
- Google Fonts – Roboto
Demo Images:
- Unsplash
- Pexels