Smrithi is the new exceptional and absolutely acknowledging Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template. Concept of architecture for Smrithi is based on the FLAT architecture and assuredly it comes out with a apple-pie and accurate design. It is congenital on top of the accepted Bootstrap Framework. Besides that, it is arranged with a lot of third affair plugins and adapted elements such as buttons, thumbnails, media altar and abundant more…
Features of Smrithi – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
- Built with Bootstrap 4.0
- Dark & ablaze Layout
- 4 Panel Styles
- Ajax DataTables Extension
- 125+ Pages
- 10+ Datatable Extensions
- Fully Responsive
- Bootstrap Table
- Unlimited Nav Tabs
- 5 Application Templates
- 10 Admin Page Options
- 2 Color Template (Dark & Light)
Pages of Smrithi – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
- Dashboard
- Dashboard v1
- Dashboard v3
- Dashboard v2
- UI Elements
- Countdown
- DataTables Fixed Header
- DataTables Fixed Col
- Pagination
- Dropdowns
- DataTables Row Reorder
- Ajax DataTables (PHP DataSource)
- Bootstrap Table
- DataTables Buttons
- Carousel
- Buttons
- DataTables Default
- DataTables Responsive
- Alerts
- DataTables Autofill
- Notification
- DataTables Col Reorder
- Google Maps
- Vector Maps
- DataTables Combination
- DataTables Scroller
- Lightbox
- Tables
- Regular Tables
- Modals
- Badges
- Basic Elements
- Accordian
- Cards
- DataTables Key Table
- Progress Bar
- DataTables Select
- Tabs
- Tree View
- Typography
- Sweet Alert
- Icon Block
- Spinner Buttons
- Testimonial Blocks
- Comment Blocks
- Charts
- Rickshaw
- Chartist
- Flot Charts
- High Charts
- Fusion Charts
- AM Charts
- ECharts
- ChartJS
- Morris Chart
- Recaptcha
- Recaptcha
- Essentials
- Sticky Nav Bar Layout
- Static Nav Bar
- Panel Styles
- Full Screen Layout
- Layout Witout Top Bar
- Transparent Nav Bar
- Indent Layout
- Sticky Nav Bar Without Top Bar
- Boxed Layout
- Layout
- Layouts
- Dark Layout
- Layouts
- Authentication
- Login v3
- Login
- Login v1
- Login v2
- Registration
- Registration v2
- Registration v1
- Reset Password
- Forgot Password
- Lock Screen
- Error Pages
- Error Pages
- 400
- 503
- 500
- Error Pages
- Cookie
- Cookie
- Cookie v1
- Cookie v2
- Cookie v3
- Cookie
- Profile
- Profile v1
- E-Commerce Profile
- E-Commerce Profile v1
- Invoice
- Invoice v3
- Invoice v2
- Invoice
- Invoice v1
- Search
- Search Result
- Icons
- Font Awesome
- Ionicons
- Material Icon
- Weather Icons
- Simple Line Icons
- Timeline
- Timeline v3
- Timeline
- Timeline v1
- Timeline v2
- Email
- Email Templates
- Welcome Email
- Payment Due
- Birthday Wish
- Order Confirmation
- Table Data’s Small
- Activate Account
- Table Data’s Large
- Forget Password
- Email Templates
- Forms
- Form Plugins
- Form Elements
- Summer Note
- Editors
- CK Editor
- Form Wizard + Validation
- Form Validation
- Applications
- Scrumboard
- Contact v2
- Email Application
- Chat Application
- Contacts
- Contact v1
- Pricing
- Pricing v3
- Pricing v2
- Pricing v1
- Widgets
- Weather Icons:
- Simple Line Icons:
- Font Awesome Icons:
- Material Icons:
- Fonts
- Google Fonts:
- Resources
- Bootstrap:
- Images
- All Images are audience purpose alone not included in the download file.
- Dear buyer! If you like this template and my abutment amuse amount it.
Change log:
Version 1.0i) Initial releaseTags: admin, admin dashboard, admin template, bootstrap, bootstrap 4.0, Four+ Columns, front-end, mobile, mobile responsive, pvr, PVR Tech Admin, responsive, user interface, web app