Shukria is Bootstrap Simple admin dashboard
Special Features
- NPM Based Activity Development
- Github Repository Share
- Fully automatic workflow with gulp
- Update abounding activity application gulp
- Backend developer affable code
- Validation anatomy
- Sass based CSS
- 100+ Ready Elements and Components
- Lots of table (Bootstrap, Datatable, JsGrid, Foo, BootGrid)
- Bootstrap UI Ready Element
- Sidebar light, dark, angel version
- Many customizeable blueprint option
- Details Documentation
- Easy to customize
- 5000+ Font icon
- Calender Design
- Text Editor
- Dedicated Support
- Fully Responsive Pages
- Form picker (Date, clock, color, Material, aces a date)
- Unique Homepage
- Customizable Chart
- Bootstrap 4.2.1
- Jquery Plugins
- Light and Aphotic Version
- 50+ Page
- Themify Icons
- weather-icons
- flag-icon
- Linea Icons
- pe-icon-set-weather
- Cryptocoins
- simple-line-icons
- Material Design Icons
- Ionicons
- Font Awesome
- clipboard.js
- bootstrap-select
- switchery
- Bootstrap 4 rtl
- DataTables
- bootstrap-material-datetimepicker
- jquery.flot.spline
- jsGrid Table
- jQuery-slimScroll
- toaster
- jquery-validation
- Flot
- typeahead.js
- bootstrap-datepicker
- jQuery
- FooTable
- jQuery Steps Plugin
- jquery-asColorPicker
- bootstrap-notify
- jquery-circle-progress
- Nestable2
- Bootstrap TouchSpin
- FooTable
- DataTables-Bootstrap4
- bootstrap-timepicker
- jQuery Mask Plugin
- jQuery Vector Map
- noUiSlider
- Bootstrap 4
- metisMenu
- raphael
- dropzone
- Bootstrap clockpicker
- Chartist-js
- D3
- Magnific-Popup
- TopoJSON
- easy-pie-chart
- C3.js
- Dropify
- jquery-bootgrid
- Chart.js
- jasny Bootstrap
- peity
- waypoints
- X-editable
- jQuery UI
- summernote
- Web-Ticker
- Animate.css
- Moment.js
- morris.js
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- sweetalert2
- select2
- jQuery Sparklines
- pickdate.js
- FullCalendar
- bootstrap-daterangepicker
- Owl Carousel
- DataMaps
- images are action in the examination but are NOT in the download.
1. v1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial Release.Tags: admin, analytics, bootstrap, crm, dashboard, e-commerce, erp, Four+ Columns, panel, project, responsive, simple