Rose is a awful acknowledging Personal one page website arrangement for online CV, Resume, vCard & Portfolio It is based on Twitter Bootstrap.
Built with apple-pie and avant-garde HTML5 + CSS3 code, it is simple to adapt and it’s able-bodied documented.If you like our theme amuse do not overlook to amount it!Features
Exclusive, avant-garde and different designFully Acknowledging LayoutBuilt with HTML5 and CSS3W3C Valid HTML5 codeBootstrap v3.3.6Good achievement for adaptable devicesFilterable + Lightbox PortfolioWorking PHP AJAX Contact anatomy with jQuery validationFont alarming icons fontSimple band icons fontSticky menuMobile affable portfolio lightboxIsotope jQuery PluginSimple Parallax Background ImagesPricing TableAnimations Animate css and wowClean CodeCross browser compatibilityEasy to Use & absolutely CustomizableResponsive TimelineWell accurate with screenshotFree SupportGoogle Web Fonts
Note: you can alter the placehold with your own photo
Tags: bootstrap, creative cv, curriculum vita, cv, expert cv, html, HTML CV, one page cv, online profile, personal, portfolio, responsive, responsive resume, responsive vcard, resume, Three Columns, vcard