Need Installation or Customization Services? Hire Us !!!
Don’t accept time to adapt our theme, charge anyone to do it faster, or you charge some specific functionality? HIRE US! Simply bead us an Email: [email protected] or accompany Skype: joomlastars and our able aggregation will get appropriate on the job!
Rhythm – is apple-pie multi and one page Joomla Template. It is great, able and simple to use. You can use it for Corporate, Creative, Fashion, Photo Studio, Freelancers, Portfolio Theme, etc.
Detailed blueprint TF Rhythm template:
- Checking the authority of the code
- Powered by accepted framework
- Template active Joomla 3.8.x
- In the template there is a about-face styles template
- Template optimized and has burning page loading
- In the template there are abounding positions to board modules
- The admittance of CSS and JavaScript compression to acceleration up the template
- Ability to affix Google fonts
- The antecedent cipher of the template is based on avant-garde web technologies HTML5 and CSS3
- Well commented antecedent cipher php and css files
- There are added typographic styles
- The template supports such accepted extensions like K2 and Virtue Mart
- Ability to attenuate the advantage capital physique on the home page
- Easy and apple-pie template which has a avant-garde and beautiful look
- Supports abounding accepted WYSIWYG editors
- Various abstracts affectation layout
- Full abutment for multi-language files
- There is a clandestine page 404, as able-bodied as the website offline
- Quick and simple constant ambience the template administrator management
- Full abutment for RTL language
- Adjustable amplitude bore positions for greater comfort
- Having a quick alpha (Quick start) to install the audience data
- Compatible with all accepted web browsers (Cross-browser compatibility)
- The template supports all adaptable accessories and tablets
- SEO optimized cipher template is appropriate for seek engine advance site
- Full, added abutment club extensions
- The template can be calmly chip with all above amusing networks
Please Check Gsrthemes9 Portfolio for HTML Templates
Other information
Note: The images you see in the screenshots are acclimated for audience purposes only, they are not included in the download package, the aboriginal ones are replaces with placeholders.
Thank you actual much.