We Love is a claimed HTML template with acknowledging cipher that can be acclimated for wedding website or for a claimed website. The template is advised and coded in anatomy because convenient appearance for all sections. We accept aswell anticipation alfresco the box and included altered sections that you charge for your website. Days and hours Counter, Invite option, Social media icons, Timeline, Venue, Map button, Best wishes or affidavit section, Facts and the Anatomy are the key sections on the page. Acceptable for Wedding, Party, Fitness, Portfolio, Wellness, Personal, Wedding websites.
One page acknowledging template acceptable for all.
Features at a Glance
ResponsiveMinimal designOne page TemplateSticky MenuRotating Hero Slider for assorted imagesDays and hours CounterInvite advantage Social Media IconsTimeline, Venue agreeable areaMap buttonBest wishes or Affidavit section, FactsWorking Contact FormSocial Icons included Bootstrap 3.3Valid HTML/CSS3
Well Documented and accurate provided. Please agenda images acclimated in HTML is for audience purpose.
Tags: fitness, full width, minimal, multipurpose, party, personal, portfolio, responsive, wedding, wellness