Prema is simple, apple-pie and affected HTML template but still able and acceptable for any personal, resume or portfolio websites.Prema template has 7 altered HTML files with 6 altered hero sections it aswell has 16 altered collapsed colors that you can change amid them and adore it. ( Static Background, Parallax Background, Static Slider, Parallax Slider, Typed argument and Typed argument with Fade Slider )It’s advised application the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques.It’s advised application Bootstrap v3.3.6 too so it’s absolutely acknowledging && adaptable friendly. It will plan appropriately on any accessory ( Desktops, tablets, mobiles, …… ).This template is abnormally advised for designers, developers and artistic freelancers who will charge a simple and able-bodied template to accumulate in blow with their clients.
Main Features:
- 100% Responsive
- 2 altered styles of Google Maps:
- Light Map
- Validated HTML5.
- 6 altered hero sections
- Static Background
- 16 Altered Colors
- Free Icons.
- Parallax Full Screen Slider
- Retina Ready.
- Parallax Effect
- Typed Text
- CSS3 Animations && Transitions.
- 7 Altered HTML files
- Based on Bootstrap v3.3.6
- Easy Customization.
- FUll Screen Slider
- Typed Argument with Fade Slider
- Free Google Fonts.
- Working ( Ajax & PHP ) acquaintance Form.
- Well-Documented.
- Dark Map
Sources and Credits:
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Wow.js
- Animate.css
- Parallax
- Easy Pie Chart
- Slick Slider
- Typed.js
- Mixitup
- JQuery Easing
- Form Validation
- Raleway
- Open Sans
- Font awesome
- Pexels
note: All images acclimated actuality are just for examination purpose and they are not included in capital download files.
Tags: ajax, bootstrap, clear, creative, css3, elegant, Four+ Columns, freelancer, html5, one page, personal, php, portfolio, responsive, resume, vcard