Plex is a Creative, Clean, Fully responsive and Modern One Page Template congenital application Bootstrap 4, acceptable for any Agency, Company, Startup, Freelancer, Photographer or any Creative person/agency that needs a able way to advertise their projects and casework with a cool acceptable User Experience. All files and cipher has been able-bodied organized and accurately commented for simple customization to fit your needs…
Plex is aswell absolute for claimed portfolio and can be acclimated for multipurpose needs too…
This template comes with 11 Unique and Different Home Pages and 20 Color Options and added features…
Main Features:
- 20 Color Options
- Portfolio items lightbox
- 11 Unique and Different Home Pages variants:
- Default
- Creative Nexus
- White Background
- 100% Fully Responsive and Simple to customize
- HTML5 & CSS3 (Valid Markup)
- Creative Triangle
- Creative Wave
- Clean, Modern and Creative design
- Pricing Section
- Galaxy Background
- Preloader
- Left Align
- SCSS/HTML/JS antecedent partials included
- Filterable Portfolio Gallery
- Particles Background
- 700+ Icons
- Minimal Design
- Built with Bootstrap v4
- Bubble Background
- Video Background
- Snow Background
- SEO & Speed Optimized
- Well Documented
- A alive Ajax Acquaintance form
- Friendly Code
- Retina Ready
- Web & Mobile Browser Compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, IE11, Safari, Opera, Edge and more…)
- Google web fonts:
- Exo 2
- Open Sans
- And abundant more…
ZIP book contains:
- PHP files
- CSS files
- HTML files
- JS files
- Font files
- Documentation files
- SCSS/HTML/JS antecedent files (partials)
We will be blessed to advice you break any issues. If you accept any questions, suggestions or ideas, amuse feel chargeless to acquaintance us anytime. We try to acknowledgment all questions aural 24 hours.
And Follow our profile.
Version 1.0.0
Initial Release.
- jquery.mb.YTPlayer
- Free Images: Pexels, Unsplash & Pixabay (Only acclimated in the audience pages)
- OwlCarousel2
- magnific-popup
- Ionicons
- Particles.js
- jQuery
- animated-headline
- Bootstrap
- jQuery-One-Page-Nav
- Portfolio images: GraphicBurger (Only acclimated in the audience pages)
Images/videos acclimated in Audience pages & Image previews are audience purpose alone and not included in the downloadable file. All images are replaced with placeholders.
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, clean, company, corporate, creative, Four+ Columns, minimal, modern, multipurpose, one page, parallax, portfolio, responsive, startup