Nish – Creative Portfolio Joomla Template
Nish is a creative Joomla! template that will advertise your Portfolio, Agency, Photography, Corporate, Business, Product Landing page website or your just a Blog, just aggregate is accessible with amazing extensions as TZ Portfolio+, Hikashop and SP Page Builder
3 means to affectation image
Nish provides advantage for the images you upload to posts. If it’s a account angel you can accept advantage Account to get a column formatted altogether for account dimensions. The aforementioned goes for mural images, too.
3 means to affectation commodity detail
Nish supports TZ Portfolio+. You can use it to, well, affection your plan in a abstracted abode from your blog. It’s a accurate way of befitting your website organised and simple to use for your visitors. The portfolio with Selena TZ Portfolio Template accommodate you 3 way to affectation column is (Default, Classic and Media Bottom)
Create your online abundance with Hikashop
HikaShop is an e-commerce band-aid for Joomla! You can use it to bureaucracy your online abundance in few minutes. Very able arrangement and all that you need.
- Featured Plan with TZ Portfolio+
- Plazart Framework
- Hikashop – eCommerce Joomla Extension Ready
- Pretty CSS3 Effects and Animation
- SP Page Builder Drag ‘n drop. Best Joomla Page builder
- Responsive Design
- Bootstrap 3 Compatible
- Cross Browser Compatible (IE9/10/11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari)
- And abundant more…
- Custom Background/Patterns Blocks
- Powerful Shortcodes
- FontAwesome 600+ Icons
- Compatible with Joomla 3.8.x
- Optimized for bigger User Experience
- Fully Customizable, step-by-step affidavit included
- Custom 404 Page
- Build your online abundance with Hikashop
- TZ Portfolio+ Compatible. Best Joomla Portfolio extension
- Drag’n Bead blueprint builder
- Optimized and Clean Code
- Google Map API
- Dynamic Google Web Font
- Mega Menu Support
- Fully with Typography, Shortcodes