Monster Creative HTML Template is a modern, apple-pie and affected architecture HTML5 template which can be acclimated for any affectionate of creative architecture portfolio website. Two complete altered home pages accord you bigger advantage to use it for your claimed activity or for your organization’s project.
We add anarchy slider which gives you added ascendancy on slider and aswell add some admirable appearance in this template which makes this template added user friendly. All appearance advice you to apparatus this template for any affectionate of creative business template.
- Well Documented
- Isotope
- Round Slider
- Font Awesome Icons
- Free Google Fonts
- Slider Revolution
- Clean and Creative Design
- Fully Responsive
- Less File Included
- Magnific Popup
- Bootstrap Framework Used
- and abundant more…
- Cross Browser compatibility
Sources and Credits
- Scroll It
- Gmap3
- Google Fonts
- Isotope
- Font Awesome Icons
- Owl Carousel
- Unsplash
- Shutter Stock
Note: All images are just acclimated for examination purpose alone and NOT included in the final acquirement files.
Tags: clean, creative, elegant, Four+ Columns, minimal, modern, onepage, photo template, photographer, photography, photography template, portfolio, professional, responsive, revolution template, slider, white