Mokam – A Minimal Acknowledging Business Template. It is a Very lightweight, adaptable friendly, artistic template with avant-garde architecture and apple-pie code. It has a absolutely acknowledging amplitude adjusts automatically to any awning admeasurement or resolution.
You can calmly change design. All codes are commented properly. It’s able-bodied Documented.
Theme Features:
- Smooth Scrolling
- Owl Carousel
- 100% Acknowledging layout
- 2 Different Home page Design
- Very able-bodied Documentation
- Easy Customaization
- Google Fonts
- Additional 3 page (Blog page, Single-blog page, 404 page)
- Font Awesome Icons
- W3C Validate
Google Fonts:
- PT Serif
- Poppins
- Roboto
- Open Sans
- Raleway
Icon Used:
- flaticon
- Font Awsome
Photo Credit:
- Pexels
- Freepik
Don’t Forget to accord us 5 star
Thanks for purchasing!
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, clean, company, corporate html, creative, finance, Four+ Columns, modern, multipurpose, one page, parallax, portfolio, responsive, startup