MaxPixel Template is advised for Multipurpose Business like Agencies, Photographer and Personal Profile. It offers alarming design, able affectation and congenital on HTML5 & CSS3, Bootstrap 3x and abundant more.
Features Overview
- Slider Revolution ($14 saved):
Create beauteous slides with altered action furnishings calmly with Revolution Slider
- Owl carousel
Acclimated Owl carousel for testimonials slides, you can use it anywhere else.
- Responsive Blueprint Design:
The Creative Pixel is absolutely acknowledging blueprint for all blazon of devices.
- 4 Accurate HTML Files :
The Creative Pixel template is coded with admirable and apple-pie codes! HTML files 100% accurate W3 web standards.
- Bootstrap Framework:
Bootstrap is the a lot of accepted HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, adaptable aboriginal projects on the web.
Features List
- Tested on absolute devices
- 3 Home Page styles
- 100% Fluid Acknowledging – Fits any accessory perfectly
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Files
- Google font
- Clean & Commented Code
- Portfolio Detail Page Template
- Flexible Layout
- Flat, avant-garde and apple-pie design.
- Awesome Unique Look
- Built on Bootstrap 3x
- Well Documented & More…
- Social Links
- HTML5 & CSS3
Note: Images acclimated in audience are not included in capital files.
Please analysis all credits listed on the affidavit folder. Images not included to the .zip
Tags: agency, creative, Four+ Columns, multipurpose, one page, parallax, photography, portfolio, responsive