Maxive Multi-Purpose Minimal Agency, Personal, Photography, Portfolio HTML5 Template. This Template is a modern, top quality, altered and apple-pie architecture for your Business can use Maxive for abounding purpose like minimal portfolios, agencies, personal portfolio, photography, contributor portfolios etc. Users will adulation Your website because it gives them a altered user acquaintance (UX).
You can calmly change texts, content, Image,objects and blush palette.This book is actual able-bodied organised.
Template Features:
- Clean Code
- Total 61+ Pages
- w3c validate
- 27+ Portfolio appearance
- Fully Responsive
- Free google chantry and figure used
- Minimal Design
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Unique, Apple-pie and Avant-garde Design
- And abundant moreā¦.
- Cross Browser Optimization
- 13+ home page blueprint with 7+ altered attack and footer style
- Free Image Used
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Easy To Customize
- Built Based on Bootstrap
Files included:
- PHP book (Contact Form)
- HTML Files
- Supporting CSS Files
- Documentation in HTML
- JS files
01 Creative Home Pagess
- 01_05_suar_minimal_portfolio_sticky_home
- 01_09_neur_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_10_max_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_01_digita_digital_minimal_agency_portfolio_home
- 01_13_soya_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_11_nexus_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_07_neym_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_04_johnny_personal_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_02_massive_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_12_maxive_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_08_photofy_photography_minimal_home
- 01_03_msn_minimal_portfolio_home
- 01_06_maxiva_boxed_minimal_portfolio_home
02 Others Pages
- 02_02_service_page
- 02_03_contact_us_page
- 02_05_coming_soon_page
- 02_06_404_error_page
- 02_01_about_us_page
- 02_04_contact_me_page
03 Portfolio Pages
Portfolio Columns Equal
- 03_04_portfolio_3column_without_sticky
- 03_09_portfolio_4column_full_width
- 03_06_portfolio_3column_full_width
- 03_08_portfolio_4column_sticky
- 03_03_portfolio_2columns_full_width
- 03_02_portfolio_2columns_sticky
- 03_07_portfolio_4column_without_sticky
- 03_01_portfolio_2columns_without_sticky
- 03_05_portfolio_3column_sticky
Portfolio Masonry Unequal
- 03_18_portfolio_masonry_4culomns_unequal_full_width
- 03_11_portfolio_masonry_2culomns_unequal_sticky
- 03_14_portfolio_masonry_3culomns_unequal_sticky
- 03_16_portfolio_masonry_4culomns_unequal_without_sticky
- 03_15_portfolio_masonry_3culomns_unequal_full_width
- 03_12_portfolio_masonry_2culomns_unequal_full_width
- 03_13_portfolio_masonry_3culomns_unequal_without_sticky
- 03_10_portfolio_masonry_2culomns_unequal_without_sticky
- 03_17_portfolio_masonry_4culomns_unequal_sticky
Portfolio Masonry Equal
- 03_22_portfolio_masonry_3culomns_equal_without_sticky
- 03_27_portfolio_masonry_4culomns_equal_full_width
- 03_26_portfolio_masonry_4culomns_equal_sticky
- 03_21_portfolio_masonry_2culomns_equal_full_width
- 03_19_portfolio_masonry_2culomns_equal_without_sticky
- 03_24_portfolio_masonry_3culomns_equal_full_width
- 03_25_portfolio_masonry_4culomns_equal_without_sticky
- 03_20_portfolio_masonry_2culomns_equal_sticky
- 03_23_portfolio_masonry_3culomns_equal_sticky
04 Portfolio Details Pages
- 04_04_portfolio_details_Video
- 04_01_portfolio_details_left_image
- 04_03_portfolio_details_full_width
- 04_05_portfolio_details_full_image
- 04_02_portfolio_details_right_image
05 Blog Pages
- 05_01_blog_one_column
- 05_10_blog_details_right_sidebar
- 05_05_blog_two_columns_left_sidebar
- 05_09_blog_details_left_sidebar
- 05_02_blog_one_column_left_sidebar
- 05_07_blog_three_columns
- 05_06_blog_two_columns_right_sidebar
- 05_04_blog_two_columns
- 05_08_blog_details
- 05_03_blog_one_column_right_sidebar
Free Chantry Used:
- Lato (Text)
- Sorts Mill Goudy (Text)
Free Figure Used:
- Themify (Icons)
- Icofont (Icons)
Free Image Used:
- All Free Photos (Image)
- Fotolia (Image)
- Unsplash (Image)
We are consistently blessed to advice you. Please, acquaintance with us if you charge any advice apropos the items via Themforest Profile.
Tags: agency, bootstrap, clean, corporate, creative, Four+ Columns, freelancer, html, minimal, minimal portfolio, minimalist, multipurpose, personal, personal portfolio, photography, portfolio, responsive