Mara is a Material Design Multipurpose Admin Template with a huge accumulating of material design elements congenital on Materialize framework.
Mara can be acclimated for any blazon of web applications: custom admin panels, admin dashboards, CMS, CRM, SAAS and websites: CMSs, SAAS, CRM, HRMS, Support & Social network, Blog, E-commerce site, Personal page, Business site, Magazine, Corporate.
We accept acclimated SASS to address the CSS so the cipher is actual organized and structured.
Mara has a apple-pie and automatic design which makes your next activity attending alarming and yet user friendly, Check out Mara today!
- Cross Browsers Support
- Material Design Color Palette
- CSS:
- Materialize CSS acknowledging grid
- Google Material Design aggressive admin/dashboard template
- Built with Sass
- 100% responsive
- Responsive blueprint (desktops, tablets, adaptable devices)
- Typography
- Material Design Icon Fonts
- Fully customizable
- Left SideBar / Top Menu
- Based on Materializecss
- UI Elements:
- Messages
- Collections
- Navigation Bars
- Widgets
- Typography
- Colors
- Buttons
- Cards
- Breadcrumbs
- Footers
- Tables:
- Scrollable tables
- Supports ample tables (dynamically endless data)
- Responsive tables
- Show / adumbrate columns
- Icons:
- Material Design Iconic
- Fontello
- Google Material Design
- Forms:
- Custom Checkboxes, Switches and Radio Buttons
- Date Picker
- Multi File Upload
- Custom Range Sliders
- CK Editor – Wysiwyg
- Color Picker
- Material Design Form Style
- Validation Options
- Rating Selector
- Select With Search
- Medium Editor – Wysiwyg
- Charts:
- HighCharts
- Sparkline Charts
- Morris Charts
- Flot Charts
- AmCharts
- NvD3 Charts
- C3 Charts
- E-commerce:
- Carousel
- Product Panel
- Cards
- Products
- Orders
- Invoice
- Discounts
- Pages:
- 500 Error
- Magazine Page
- Lock Screen Page
- Invoice Page
- Login Page
- Profile Page
- Blog Page
- Timeline Page
- 404 Error
- Pricing Page
- Feed Page
- Register Page
- Media:
- Sliders
- Image Hover Effects
- Gallery
- Calendar with events
- Mail Page
- 5 Layouts
- In page Cipher Examples
- Well Documented
- FullCalendar
- noUiSlider
- Materialize Color Picker
- AM Charts
- jQuery Star Rating
- jQuery UI Tag-it
- NvD3 Charts
- AngularJS
- Material Design Iconic Icons
- DataTables
- C3 Charts
- Google Material Design Icons
- Materialize Framework
- jQuery Chosen
- HighCharts
- Medium Editor
- Morris Charts
- jQuery
- Fontello Icons
- Flot Charts
- Lightbox
- Sparkline Charts
v1.0 [24th August 2016]
- Initial releaseTags: admin, admin dashboard, admin panel, angular, app, calendar, cards, charts, components, e-commerce, elements, Fixed Layout, material, material design, materialize, One Column, sass