Logistix is Ultra Responsive & Retina Ready apple-pie and adjustable HTML Template tailored for transportation and burden companies. This is able template with bags of customization options and settings, we accept added a lot of architecture appearance and able functionality that you will love. Logistix is the best band-aid to actualize a beauteous and avant-garde website for your business.
Template features:
- and abundant more…
- Fully Responsive Architecture & Retina Ready
- Tons of Handy Shortcodes
- Muiti-Styles Gallery with Poppup
- Element Animation Supporting
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3 – W3C Validate Code
- WooCommerce Integrated
- 5 Unique Home-Pages and 05 Header Styles
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: Chrome, FireFox, Safari, IE9+, Opera
- Ease Customize & Detailed Documentation
- Mega Menu Integrated
- Working Contact Form with Ajax jQuery Validator
- Simple Revolution Slider
Fonts Used:
- Lato Google Font
- Roboto Google Font
- Montserrat Google Font
Icons Used
- Fontawesome
Please Note:
- All images are just acclimated for Preview Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the html templates and no included in the final purchase. files.