All Features
- Online Editor
- HTML after tags version
- Responsive Email Template
- MailChimp, StampReady, Campain Monitor compatible
- Free Support
- Unlimited Colors
- Optimized code
- Documentation
Files Included
- Documentation HTML page
- StampReady compatibe file
- Campaignmonitor compatibe files
- Mailchimp compatibe files
- HTML responsive email files
- Apple Mail
- AOL Mail Chrome
- Outlook 2003
- Outlook 2011
- Outlook 2010
- Lotus Notes 8.5
- KMail
- Android
- Gmail
- Opera Mail
- AOL Mail Explorer
- Outlook 2000
- iPad
- AOL Mail Firefox
- iPhone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- Lotus Notes 8
- Outlook 2002
- Outlook 2007
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Yahoo Mail
- Hotmail
- Outlook 2013
- Pictures and icons acclimated on Demo are not included. You can acquisition them on:
Microsoft Outlook does’t abutment accomplishments images
Tags: clean, corporate, creative, e-commerce, email, email template, Four+ Columns, mailchimp, marketing, modern, newsletter, newsletter template, responsive, stampready