“Lagom” is a abounding anatomic HTML5 Template advised & developed for assorted concepts including abounding specific alcove websites and comes accessible for any Corporate Business Websites as well. It is absolutely responsive template based on Twitter Bootstrap 4 framework that makes it accessible for all awning sizes from the bigger ones to smartphones. Its not alone responsive admitting it is retina accessible also, now no bleared images on your HiDPI and retina devices.
- Bootstrap 4
- 50+ HTML5 Templates
- Multiple Header Styles
- 5 Unique template packages
- Retina Accessible & Absolutely Responsive
- Grid / List views
- Working Contact Form
- Isotope Galleries ($25 value)
- Font Awesome Web-Font Icons
- 150 Line Icons Web-Font
- Multiple Slider Effects
- Google Fonts Support
- SEO Optimized
- Google Maps
- Touch/Swipe Abutment for Sliders
- Retina Accessible & Absolutely Responsive
- Valid HTML5 Templates
- Well Documented for Easy Editing
- Compatible With All Latest Browsers
Abutment is provided through our committed Abutment Appointment to all absolute theme buyers. Please accept your acquirement cipher accessible if you annals at our abutment forum. Here’s how to acquisition your “Item Acquirement Code.”
Envato Elements
Deposit Photos
Images from reside examination are not included in the template.
Change Log
v1 – June 23, 2018
Initial ReleaseTags: agency, business, clean, construction, corporate, creative, html5, modern, multipurpose, one page, photography, portfolio, professional, responsive