Katana – Photography & Portfolio WordPress Theme
We are animated to acquaint to you our new WordPress Katana which is distinctively advised for photography and portfolio. Including 15 admirable homepages, Katana is a amusement for your eyes with its artful and artful design. You will adore its adorableness as able-bodied as its applicability.
If you like my template, amuse amount it 5 stars. Thanks!
Template Features
- Typography Elements
- Fully Layered and Organized PSD File
- About, Blog, Shop and abounding added features
- Free Google Web Fonts
- Free Icon Fonts
- Flexible and Multi-purpose
- Based on 1170px Grid System
- And Much More…
- Pixel Perfect
- Easy to Customize
- 7 Homepage Layout Options
- Extended Documentation
Sources and Credits
Fonts Used
You charge to install these fonts beneath afore alteration the WordPress Theme (you can acquisition them all at Google Fonts website)
- Open Sans
- Noto Serif
Icons Used
- Font Awesome
- Stroke 7 Icon Font
Graphics Used
Abounding acknowledgment for these abundant images to:
- Shutterstock
- Pixeden
- Picjumbo
Note: All images are just acclimated for Preview Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the theme and NOT included in the final acquirement files.
Tags: camera, case study, creative, Four+ Columns, gallery, image, photographer, photography, portfolio, responsive, showcase