Kasrat is Niche Based and Responsive HTML Template. Suitable for Fitness Gym, Yoga, Personal Trainer, Wellness Club or agnate websites that needs a affection affluent and admirable attendance online with adjustable design. Beside a ample amount of features, this theme is a absolute template for abrogation a absolute consequence to your web clients.
Kasrat based on Responsive Layout, jQuery and CSS3. Template is Mobile Ready (Responsive) and can be acclimated on assorted devices. Based on a lot of accepted Bootstrap v3.3.7 Framework.
Template Features:
- Google Fonts and Font Awesome Icons
- CSS3 Animations
- Well Documented
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Fully Responsive
- Free Support
- 10+ HTML Files
- W3C Validate HTML code
- Based on Bootstrap v3.3.7
- Easy to Customize
Google Fonts Used:
- Montserrat
- Poppins
Sources & Credits
- Google Fonts
- Font Awesome Icons
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Owl Carousel
Images Used
- Unsplash
All images are just acclimated for Preview Purposes Only. Images are not allotment of the Template and not included in the capital acquirement files.
Tags: body building, boxing, coach, crossfit, fitness, Four+ Columns, gym, gym template, health, personal trainer, responsive, sports, weight loss, yoga