Jellaladmin is an bootstrap 3.3.6 based admin template. Its different collapsed architecture and acknowledging blueprint is crafted one of a kind. It can be acclimated for all blazon of web applications like custom admin panel, activity administration system, admin dashboard, appliance backend, CMS or CRM.
- OWL Carousel
- Left And Right sidebar
- Bootstrap 3.3.5
- fontawesome 4.4.0
- Ten Skin Color
- And Many More
- Fully Responsive
- Html5 and css3
- And Many More
- jQuery 2.1.4
- Bootstrap Daterangepicker 1.3.21
- Bootstrap 3.3.5
- Full Calendar 1.6.4
- Bootstrap Datepicker 1.5.0
- Dropzone File Upload 2.0.0
- Timepicker 2.0
- GMaps.js 0.4.13