Hytech multipurpose HTML Template is a responsive, apple-pie and avant-garde advised Corporate business template . Hytech is acceptable for all artistic people, agency, artistic business, company, alone or agencies portfolios, artefact or account affairs website.
- Parallax Background
- Free Google Fonts
- Well Documented
- Fully Customizable
- Image Gallery with Popup
- Well Commented HTML & CSS files
- Smart Sticky Menu
- Custom Google Map
- Built Based on Bootstrap
- Filteration Portfolio
- Fully Responsive
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Counter up number
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
Credits And Sources:
- Slick JS
- Isotope JS
- Bootstrap
- Waypoints JS
- Modernizr JS
- Lightcase JS
- Google Fonts
- HTML5 VideoJS
- Parallax Background JS
- Font Awesome
Note: Images are alone for audience purpose and not included with the download bundle.
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, company, creative, Four+ Columns, landing page, multipurpose, one page, parallax, personal, portfolio, responsive, startup