Glovia is a responsive, professional, and multipurpose html admin dashboard template powered with Bootstrap 4. It is absolutely acknowledging admin dashboard template congenital with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, Media query.
- Range Slider
- 500+ Ui Components
- RTL Version Coming Soon
- 4 Different Dashboards
- Ecommerce Option
- Creative Social Widgets
- Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
- Wizard Forms
- 2000+ Fonts Icons
- Ultimate Popup
- Bootstrap 4x (beta)
- 5 Different Demos
- Project Grid
- Multi File upload
- Light and Dark Blush Schemes
- Invoice Page
- Validation Forms
- Many Charts Options
- 5 Predefine Blush Skins you can change it to whatever blush you want
- Easy to customize
- 300+ pages
- Lots of widgets
- Fully Acknowledging pages
- Lots of Table Examples
Credits goes to
- Bootstrap
- Font-Awesome
- Morris
- Wysihtml5
- Pexels (images)
- Form Validator
- Multi-select
- Custombox
- Sweet-Alert
- Flot-charts
- Nestable
- Nicescroll
- Select2
- Chartjs
- Sparkline
- Slick Slider
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Wysiwig Editor
- Datatables
- Jquery
- Bootstrap tables
- Themify-icons
- Bootstrap select
- Owl carousel
- Chartist chart
- Bootstrap-timepicker
- Date Dropper