Get Absolute Possibilities In GatesTemplate
Gates is a able multi-purpose website arrangement for construction or any added business, it’s absolutely acknowledging architecture and retina ready, looks beauteous on any device. It appearance a actual apple-pie and able architecture that is absolute for showcasing your work, and accept bags of blueprint possibilities with absolute variations and colors schemes. Arrangement can be acclimated for any blazon of website: business, corporate, portfolio, products, marketing, etc.
Gates Multi-Purpose HTML & CSS Features
- Owl Slider and Carousel is an Option for Slider
- Multiple Columns Pricing Table
- W3C Validated All HTML Pages
- Comprehensive Documentation Inculded
- Flex Slider Thumbnail Gallery acclimated in Landing Page
- 3 Unique & Morden Homepage Styles
- and abundant added …
- Light and aphotic banknote by abacus easy-to-use classes
- Validated Acquaintance Form
- Custom Preloader to Load Complete Page
- Masonry & Flat Columns and Fullscreen Portfolio Styles
- 100% Absolutely Acknowledging HTML Arrangement Files
- Tons of Cool Sections
- Multiple Google Fonts are included in HTML files
- Based on Bootstrap 3.3.5 Framework
- Custom Youtube & Vimeo Video embed
- Over 1000 icons to accept from with four chantry figure sets included
- 8 Custom Color and Background Variations
- Boxed or Wide Layouts Via a Single Body Class
- Flickr Album Gallery & Feeds
- Cool Lightbox Gallery
- Awesome Revolution Slider Included
- Multi-Column “MEGA-MENU” and double-level drop-down menus
- Blog With Sidebar and Blog with Grid Styles
- Working Ajax/PHP Acquaintance Form
- Youtube Video Background Section
- Custom Filterable Portfolio Section
- Google Map Api Embed
- Creattica
- Pic Jumbo
All images acclimated in the arrangement is for audience purpose, and is not included in the package.
If you charge support, or accord any advancement for improvement. Please feel chargeless to acquaintance me application the acquaintance anatomy on my user annual page. Plz don’t overlook to amount Thanks
Tags: blog, builder, business, construction, contractor, creative, developers, estate, flat, Four+ Columns, masonry, multi purpose, portfolio, preloader, responsive, retina