Fury is a artistic material design admin template congenital with Angular 2 and the Angular-CLI. It extends the Material Design apparatus congenital by the Angular 2 aggregation and it offers you aggregate you charge to get started with your next CRM, CMS or dashboard based project.
Angular 2 is the absolute framework for architecture ample action applications and allows for a modular basic setup. Apparatus can be added and removed by artlessly removing the agnate folder, as aggregate added is consistently component-specific and modular.
We congenital Fury to be as abundant and as easy as accessible to customize. Navigation Menu Items can be added dynamically from anywhere, Breadcrumbs are auto-generated, but can aswell be assigned a custom name and new pages can calmly be added by just breeding a basic with the alarming Angular-CLI. Abacus to this we use Flex-Layout by the Angular aggregation to accommodate a adjustable and fast way for layouts.
- Dialogs (Modals) in Material Design
- Blazing fast and ablaze weight!
- Completely customizable widgets to use in your dashboard!
- Built with Angular-CLI to calmly accomplish components
- Create your own theme (coming soon!)
- Clean and bland design
- Advanced Google Maps integration
- Nested Routing
- Latest Angular 2 version
- Angular Flex-Layout – fast & adjustable Flexbox blueprint library
- Snack Bar Notifications
- Simple yet absolutely customizable Archive with D3.js and nvD3
- Material Design with Angular Material 2
- Global SCSS and per basic specific SCSS (modular!)
- 300+ Material Icons by Google
For added instructions and a account of the acclimated libraries and fonts you can consistently accredit to our affidavit or acquaintance us.
Support is accessible through email, ThemeForest comments or chat. If you purchased the theme and adulation it, accede giving it a 5-star appraisement actuality on ThemeForest. It absolutely helps blame out added updates and abacus added abundant features.
If you accept any catechism or botheration feel chargeless to forward us a bulletin and we’ll be animated to advice you!
Credits and Assets
- Lodash – “A avant-garde JavaScript account library carrying modularity, achievement & extras.”
- Google Material Icons – Artlessly the best Material Icons out there.
- Perfect Scrollbar – Angular 2 Wrapper – Wrapper for Absolute Scrollbar to be acclimated as directive.
- nvD3 – Wrapper for D3.js charts, simple agreement -> avant-garde charts.
- Angular Material 2 – Alarming library for Material Apparatus and amount basic in our theme.
- Normalize.css – Convenient displace of browser-specific styles to industry-standard styling.
- RxJS – Angular 2 Dependency – A new access to how abstracts can be handled in Observables.
- Perfect Scrollbar – Simple and absolute scrollbar, alive cross-browser.
- D3.js – Create avant-garde charts, absolutely customizable.
- Roboto Chantry – Google’s official Material Design Typography font.
- Google Maps for Angular2 – Google’s official Material Design Typography font.
- HighlightJS – Simple Syntax highlighting. Our theme includes a charge to administer the highlighting bound to
All Avatars acclimated are from Adorable Avatars accountant MIT and can accordingly be aswell acclimated in your appliance and are included in the download.Backgrounds acclimated are from Oxygenna. Marked as “Free to use in bartering projects” and can accordingly not be arranged in the download, but can calmly be added afterwards. The “rocket” figure may not be acclimated after a license.
All added assets apparent in the audience are included in the download. All alien libraries are loaded with npm. All it takes to get up and active with our theme is NodeJS, which is bound installed and able-bodied documented. NodeJS automates the accomplished action of loading alien libraries and allows for an simple headstart.
Tags: admin, angular, angular 2, Angular2, clean, creative, dashboard, javascript, material, material design, NG2, responsive, scss, typescript