Flexile is a able react admin template based on Ant Architecture abstraction and framework. It includes avant-garde architecture and assorted layouts forth with hundreds of widgets, metrics etc. Forth with the accomplishing of Redux and Redux-Saga, Flexile aswell has assorted abundant apps developed and affiliation with firebase. With Flexile, you can addition your web app development action and can save the amount and time.
Flexile can calmly be customized to fit your project’s need. It is congenital aloft the standards and best practices. It uses LESS (recommended by Ant Design), Redux, Redux-Saga to administer states. Developers will adulation it for abiding
To apperceive added about customizing and developing with Flexile, amuse appointment this affidavit here: http://docs.g-axon.com/flexile/
- Multi-level Routing with react-router
- Package Administration with Yarn
- No jQuery
- LESS Implementation
- Google Map
- 3 Different Themes
- Code Splitting
- Fully Responsive
- Redux & Redux-Saga
- Calendar
- Firebase with APIs
- A absolute binder anatomy (for all baby to circuitous admeasurement applications)
- Async Loading
- 150+ Custom Ant Architecture based icons by us
- React Router 4
- Dynamic Routing Support
- React 16.x
- Best Coding Practices
- Multilingual accurate with React Intl
- Ant Design
- ES6 with Babel (Very able-bodied accounting code)
- Firebase affidavit with amusing sites
- Browsers Compatibility
Firebase Affidavit
Firebase affidavit with afterward applications
- GitHub
- Email/Password
Built-in Complete Applications
Applications with abstracts archetypal accomplishing and accompaniment administration through ReactJS states & Redux
- Chat App
- Contacts App
- Mail/Messages App
- To-do App
Packages & Extensions
- Date Time Picker
- Drag & Drop
- Charts
- Color Picker
- Google Maps
- Editors
Custom Views
- Grid Views
- List Views
- Timeline Views
- Sign Up
- Forgot Password
- Lock Screen
- Reset Password
- Authentication Pages
- Sign In
- 404 Error Page
- 500 Error Page
- Testimonials
- Pricing Table
- Callouts
Note: All the images in the audience are for audience purpose only. They are not alien with the product.
Tags: admin, admin dashboard, admin template, ant design, creat react app, firebase, mail app, multi theme, multilingual, react, reactjs, redux, redux saga, responsive, spa, Two Columns, various layouts