Fico – Finance & Consulting Business HTML Template
Fico is a HTML Template abnormally advised for Finance, Business, Consultancy firms, Advisory Businesses, Professional casework and Stock and barter and investement services. Fico template has admirable and different architecture that will be best ill-fitted for your online web presence. It has 100% acknowledging architecture and activated on all above handheld devices.
Fico comes with all-important appearance for your online attendance like Cases and Cases Detail, About Us, Casework and Casework Datils and Blog and Career etc.Fico can be a abundant best for your online presence. Looking for absolution your aggregation website ? This template is best choice.
Editing and Customizing
Fico is actual simple to adapt and customize.please accessible the book in any html editor like and you could calmly cutomize it as per your needs
File Formates included
Fico containes beneath files included
- about.html
- coming-soon.html
- blog-detail.html
- projects.html
- consumer-leasing.html
- sendemail.php
- faqs.html
- careers.html
- index.html
- private-banking.html
- services.html
- contact.html
- partners.html
- secured-transactions.html
- testimonials.html
- savings-investment.html
- blog-list.html
- financial-planning.html
- strategic-planning.html
- index-2.html
- projects-2.html
- blog-grid.html
- service-single.html
- Animated Css Use.
- And abundant added Fun….
- Fully responsive.
- Seo Optimized.
- Cross Browser Optimization.
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3.
- Standerd custom cipher Created.
- Free Updates.
- Google Map.
- Clean & Modern Design.
- Working PHP / Ajax Contact Form.
- Sticky Menu When Scrolling Down.
- Latest Bootstrap.
- Unlimited Colors with Color Switcher.
- Google font.
- Smooth alteration effects.
- 2 Different Header Styles.
- All files are able-bodied commented.
- 2 Awesome Landing-Pages.
Images are not included in the download file!
Tags: accountant, advisor, attorney, business, corporate, finance, financial, Four+ Columns, invest, investment, investor, law, money, responsive, stock, stock market, wealth