Ekudmin is a complete and absolutely responsive and customizable dashboard admin template. This template acceptable for all types of business, sales and eCommerce website. Ekudmin is developed based on Bootstrap 4 Stable, JavaScript, Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world’s a lot of accepted front-end basic library.
This template is actual user affable abundant easier to customize.You can change template accomplishments with aeronautics image. In “Ekudmin ” we accept acclimated the Powerful blueprint js that is an simple way to cover action and alternate graphs on your website. We accept acclimated lot of animations that will be accessible to enhance it’s beauty.Using abounding of custom JavaScript .
We accept included actual abundant affidavit so you can adapt this template easily. We aswell acclimated commented cipher & CSS is indexed so you can add or abolish things.
HTML Files included:
index.html - Home page alert.html - active Page button.html - button page calendar.html - agenda page chart.html - blueprint page chart-flot.html - chart-flot page data-table.html - data-table Page element.html - aspect page error.html - absurdity Page form-layout.html - form-layout page form-validation.html - form-validation Page full-screen-map.html - full-screen-map Page gallery.html - arcade Page grid.html - filigree Page icon.html - figure page invoice.html - balance page login.html - login page map.html - map page modal.html - modal page notification.html - notification page panel.html - console page profile.html - contour page progress.html - advance page register.html - annals page search.html - seek page table.html - table page table-foo.html - table-foo page tabs-accordion.html - tabs-accordion page typography.html - typography page unlock-code.html.html - unlock-code page vector-map.html - vector-map page style.css - For all pages appearance
Ekudmin template has a absolutely responsive layout. It fits altogether on assorted displays and resolutions from approved desktop screens to tablets, iPad, iPhone and baby adaptable devices.
This template is congenital with Bootstrap 4, HTML 5 and css3
- 100% responsive in any device
- Clean and Creative Design
- Custom Configuration. You can change template accomplishments with aeronautics angel
- Awesome animation
- Using Powerful Blueprint jsChart.js is an simple way to cover animated, alternate graphs on your website
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Offline Documentation
- form-layout and form-validation pages added
- Cross Browser supported
- You can use for woo-commerce if you want
- Faster Load
- Awesome arcade page
- Included 600+ actual figure font
- Awesome and bland Slider efect
- Based on Bootstrap 4 Stable
- Added page for advance and contour management
- Awesome blush matching
- Awesome blush matching
- Using HTML5 and CSS3
- 32+ Completed HTML Files
- Design for Dashboard Admin site.
- full-screen-map pages
- data-table, element, balance and modal pages added
- Custom Font Support
- using google fonts
- Unlimited Figure Fonts
- Awesome Support
- simple but absolute hover effect
Note: Demo images are not included with capital purchases
Tags: admin, admin dashboard, admin dashboard template, admin template, bootstrap 4, bootstrap admin template, bootstrap dashboard, dashboard, Four+ Columns, google material design, javascript, premium admin templates, responsive, responsive admin template