doors is a 100% acknowledging and parallax one page template. It is actual clean, artistic and affected one page theme. doors is powered with Bootstrap 3.2 Framework. It can be acclimated for artistic agenda abettor or even personal/freelancer to appearance portfolios and affairs services.
- And abundant more?
- CSS3 Animations and Transitions
- Smooth Scrolling
- Clean Code with Comments
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 100% Responsive
- Scrolling With Parallax Background
- Easy to Customize
- Working Contact Form
- Based on Bootstrap 3.3.5 Framework
- Blog Details Page
- Clean and Artistic Design
- Detailed Documentation
- Filterable Portfolio
- Font Awesome Icons
NOTE: Images are not included in this file.
Tags: agency, business, clean, corporate, doors, elegant, Four+ Columns, freelancer, joomla template, minimalist, modern, onepage, parallax background, portfolio, responsive, simple