Cursornt – Multi-Purpose WordPress Agency – Portfolio – Creative Theme
The avant-garde architecture and able typography makes Cursornt the absolute WordPress theme for any website. Cursor is a able multi-purpose theme for any business or claimed website. It’s absolutely acknowledging architecture accessible to attending beauteous on any device. Create amazing websites in beneath time…
- Unlimited color
- Testimonials
- Clients Logos
- Fully Responsive
- Unlimited background
- Text Styles
- Headings
- Columns
- Different attack and footer layouts
- Google Fonts
- Woocommerce ready
- Description List
- Revolution Slider
- Metabox supported
- WPML supported
- Working Ajax Contact Forms
- 7/24 fast support
- 1400+ Font Icons
- Parallax accomplishments angel and video supported
- Carousels
- Code Blocks
- Dividers
- Blockquotes
- Alerts
- Well Documentation
- .POT for all languages – Multi language
- Charts
- Unlimited sidebar
- Elements
- Social Icons
- Total Cache book for quick theme accumulation and acceleration options
- Buttons
- Team Members
- Timeline
- Portfolio CPT System
- Custom airheaded for per page via metaboxes
- Google Maps Api
- Counters
- Contact Form 7
- Pagination
- Based on jQuery
- Free Update
- Address
- Gallery
- Animate Library
- Pricing Table
- WPBakery Visual Composer Page Builder
- Accordions
- Masonry
- Tabs
- Oneclick demodata installer and XML
- Oneclick theme update
- Parallax Effect
- Media Embeds
- Lists
- Blog ready
- Countdowns
- Dropcaps
- Fast Performance
- Price Tables
- Lightbox Gallery
- Onepage and Multipage theme layouts supported
- Breadcrumbs
- Video
- Google Web Fonts
- Documentation
- Seo Optimized
- Isotope Plugin
- Labels
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Based on Bootstrap 4
- Progress Bars
Support & Docs
Online Docs
Support Center
Sources and Credits
- Photos by Pixabay is accountant beneath CC0 1.0
- Photos by Pixeden is accountant beneath Pixeden License
- Photo by Freepik
- Photos by Unsplash is accountant beneath Unsplash License
- Photo by Freepik
- Video by JelioDimitrov, Studio FourPlus is accountant beneath CC BY 3.0
- Video by Pixabay is accountant beneath CC0 1.0
- Video by CGMeetup is accountant beneath CC BY 4.0
- Audio by GFelix is accountant beneath CC BY 3.0
- Pacifico Font by Vernon Adams is accountant beneath SIL Open Font License, 1.1
- Roboto Font by Google Inc. is accountant beneath Apache License, Version 2.0
- Icons fabricated by DinosoftLabs from is accountant by CC 3.0 BY
- Icons fabricated by Freepik from is accountant by CC 3.0 BY
- Ion Icons by Drifty is accountant beneath MIT License
- Icons fabricated by Vectors Market from is accountant by CC 3.0 BY
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy is accountant beneath MIT License
- Normalize CSS by Nicolas Gallagher, Jonathan Neal is accountant beneath MIT License
- Prism by Lea Verou is accountant beneath MIT License
- ImagesLoaded by David DeSandro is accountant beneath MIT License
- Owl Carousel by David Deutsch is accountant beneath MIT License
- Animate CSS by Daniel Eden is accountant beneath MIT License
- Isotope by Metafizzy is accountant beneath Isotope Commercial License
- Chart.JS by Nick Downie is accountant beneath MIT License
- jQuery by JS Foundation is accountant beneath MIT License
- HTML5 Shiv by Alexander Farkas is accountant beneath MIT License
- Google Maps by Google Inc.
- Smooth Scroll by Balazs Galambosi is accountant beneath MIT License
- Stellar.JS by Mark Dalgleish is accountant beneath MIT License
- Waypoints by Caleb Troughton is accountant beneath MIT License
- Sweet Scroll by Tsuyoshi Wada is accountant beneath MIT License
- The Final Countdown by Edson Hilios is accountant beneath MIT License
- CountTo by Matt Huggins is accountant beneath MIT License
- Magnific Popup by Dmitry Semenov is accountant beneath MIT License
- FitVids.JS by Chris Coyier, Dave Rupert is accountant beneath WTFPL License
- Bootstrap by Twitter Inc., Bootstrap Authors is accountant beneath MIT License
- Tether by HubSpot, Inc. is accountant beneath MIT License