Crypto Admin Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template, UI and WebApp Template a absolutely responsive admin dashboard template congenital with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, avant-garde web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and simple customizable which is basically advised for the developers who wish to adapt it.
Crypto Admin can be acclimated by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, activity administration system, admin dashboard, appliance backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc.
More than 100+ appearance and with widgets and plugins are included actuality to accomplish your plan easier.
Works on all above web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all added acute buzz devices.
UI Kit
User Cards Tab BadgesButtonsFloating Action ButtonsCarouselDockModalDropdownDropdown menuSortableNavBreadcrumbsPaginationAlertCalloutTooltipAccordionTabProcessProgress barSpinnerTimelineTimeline activity
Bootstrap gridSidebarMini SidebarHorizontal MenuMega Menu
Extra pages
InvoiceProfileLoginRegisterLockscreen404 Error500 ErrorBlank PagePace Page
Tags: admin, admin dashboard, admin template, admin theme, bitcoin, bootstrap, bootstrap 4, bootstrap admin, bootstrap admin template, bootstrap admin theme, bootstrap dashboard, crypto cards, crypto dashboard, dashboard template, responsive