Corporate is a apple-pie HTML5/CSS3 Template acceptable for Business, Professional, Company and Consulting Services. You can adapt it actual simple to fit your needs.
1/ Features:
- 675+ Chantry Icons Included (Font Awesome)
- Parallax Backgrounds
- Revolution Slider – $16
- 03 Homepage layouts
- 20 HTML5 Files
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Based on Bootstrap 3.x
- Clean and Modern Design
- SEO Optimized
- Mobile Ready
- Fully Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Template
- jQuery Enhanced
- Owl Carousel
- Google Chargeless Fonts
3/ Fonts – top
In this template, we use chantry from Google Font:
- Noto Sans
4/ Icons – top
- Linearicons Free
- flaticon
- Elegant Icon Font
- Font Awesome
5/ Images – top
All images we acclimated in this template appear from sources. They are actual acceptable sources for chargeless images
- Pixabay
- Freepik
- picjumbo
– All these images will NOT be included in purchased package, just for audience purpose