CodeLab is a exceptional Bootstrap 4.1.3 Admin Dashboard Template. It comes with tones of able-bodied advised UI elements, components, widgets and pages. This template is actual failing and simple to customize. It can be acclimated to actualize a saas based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard, CRM, CMS etc. CodeLab helps your aggregation affective faster and extenuative development costs.
- Latest jQuery 3.3.1
- Fully acknowledging and works beyond all modern/supported browsers, devices
- Built on latest bootstrap (v – 4.1.3)
- Easy development and applique with Gulp workflow
- Easy customizations with all-encompassing use of SCSS variables
- And Many More….
- Advanced Calendar
- Tree
- amCharts
- All of Bootstrap components
- Icons (font awesome, simple band , themify, weather)
- eChart
- Editors (Summernote and Markdown)
- Advanced Datatables
- Touchpin, Multiple Select, Dropzone, Ion ambit Slider, Switchery
- Toast Notifications
- jQuery Validator
- Form wizard
- Select2, Date Picker, Date Ambit Picker, Time Picker, Color Picker, Input Mask included
- Chartjs
- Multiple Book Uploads
- Multiple widgets
- Light Sidenav
- Dark Sidenav
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Collapsed Sidenav
- Color Sidenav
- Profile
- Registration
- 404 Error
- Lock Screen
- Login
- Invoice
Support and Chargeless Updates:
We are committed to our barter and abutment is at up a lot of priority. If you accept any question, affair with CodeLab, amuse ample chargeless to acquaintance us anytime via email at [email protected] . We accept aswell planned to updates and improvements which you will accept chargeless of cost. We will awful acknowledge if you allotment your abstraction to advance our template.
Images Credits:
Note: Images are acclimated alone for audience purpose. Audience images and illustrations are not included in downloadable file.
Tags: admin, admin template, backend, bootstrap 4, clean, cms, crm, dashboard, flat, Four+ Columns, mobile widget, premium admin, responsive, retina, sass, web application