Clio – Resume / CV / Portfolio / vCard / Template for your next alarming career promotion. This absolutely acknowledging exceptional template covered aggregate that you charge to affected all application challenges.
Comes with a absolutely layered editable a4 book resume in PSD / AI / Acrobat book architecture that matches website agreeable & design.
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- Rich portfolio with JPEG, PNG, GIF, Youtube video, Vimeo video, server video embedding functionality.
- Premium svg activated figure backpack included.
- Fully different architecture to themeforest library.
- Easy customization.
- Auto accelerate portfolio affection available.
- Image zoom and pan affection available.
- Blog pages included.
- Retina ready
- No bootstrap hassels. Absolutely handcoded.
- Image with explanation & alien hotlink available.
- Clean and accurate code
- Clean & basal design.
- Responsive OK Tested in all accessories (mobile, tab, retina, pad etc.)
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All the photos that arise in the DEMO PREVIEW files are for affectation purpose /demonstration alone and not accessible in the download amalgamation or in the audience abstracts importer.
NOTE: All the photos that arise in the DEMO PREVIEW files are for affectation purpose / affirmation alone and not accessible in the download package.
Change Log
01 February 2019
Initial ReleaseTags: clean resume, creative resume, curriculum vitae, cv, design, elegant resume, fitscreen resume, material resume, online resume, personal, portfolio, professional, responsive, responsive resume, resume, vcard