Builcon is a high-quality construction template fabricated for abnormally construction business. We focused on creating pages in construction aggregation element. This has architecture elements that will clothing all your needs. You can calmly adapt all the pages.
Main Features :
- Bootstrap 4 Framework
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Easy to customize
- Well Documentation
- 24/7 Friendly Customer Support
- Free Google Fonts
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- SEO Friendly Code
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Smoth Parallax Effect
- 34 HTML Pages
- W3C Valid HTML File
- 9+ Diftent Home Pages
- 5+ Header Layouts
- Working PHP Contact Form
- Clean And Modern Design
- Mailchimp Functionality Added
What do you get with the download file?
- HTML Template File
- Documentation File
Sources and Credits
Roboto, OpenSans, FontAwesome
Images in the previews
Unsplash, Freepik, Nothingtochance
JQuery Plugins
Bootstrap 4, Isotope, OwlCarousel, Swiper Slider, Magnific Popup, WOW JS, jQuery Easing, jQuery Parallax,
Our abutment aggregation is accessible 24/7. We try to acknowledgment all questions aural 30 hours.
Please note: All images are for examination purposes alone and are not included in the download file.
Tags: architecture, builder, building, cleaning services, construction, construction business, construction company, contractor, corporate, engineer, Four+ Columns, industry, painter, plumber, responsive